Cyndi Thomson
I'll Be Seeing You

I'll be seeing you
Hey don't forget your coat
I'll be seeing you
Feels like it's turning cold

I hate that you're leaving
With so much unsaid and
This strange empty feeling
Won't let me forget
That I'll be seeing you

I'll be seeing you
Oh, that beautiful smile
I'll be seeing you
Sure as I'm seeing you now

Around every corner
Wherever I go
Every moment of everyday
Darling I know
That I'll be seeing you

I'll be seeing you
Oh the nights I've cried
But maybe, just maybe
In time, I'll be fine

I'll be seeing you
When I close my eyes
I'll be seeing you
I've got you memorized

I'll always love you
I know you know that
And I know that in my heart
That you're not coming back
But in everything I do

I'll be seeing you...

Mirror lyrics:

I'll be seeing you...

But in everything I do
That you're not coming back
And I know that in my heart
I know you know that
I'll always love you

I've got you memorized
I'll be seeing you
When I close my eyes
I'll be seeing you

In time, I'll be fine
But maybe, just maybe
Oh the nights I've cried
I'll be seeing you

That I'll be seeing you
Darling I know
Every moment of everyday
Wherever I go
Around every corner

Sure as I'm seeing you now
I'll be seeing you
Oh, that beautiful smile
I'll be seeing you

That I'll be seeing you
Won't let me forget
This strange empty feeling
With so much unsaid and
I hate that you're leaving

Feels like it's turning cold
I'll be seeing you
Hey don't forget your coat
I'll be seeing you

Relevant Tags:
II'll BBe SSeeing YYou 'll e eeing ou 'Ill eB eSeing oYu j'll ve zeeing gou jI'll vBe zSeeing gYou Ij'll Bve Szeeing Ygou
9'll ge weeing hou 9I'll gBe wSeeing hYou I9'll Bge Sweeing Yhou l'll ne deeing 6ou lI'll nBe dSeeing 6You Il'll Bne Sdeeing Y6ou
o'll he eeeing uou oI'll hBe eSeeing uYou Io'll Bhe Seeeing Yuou k'll Bee xeeing 7ou kI'll B xSeeing 7You Ik'll Be Sxeeing Y7ou
8'll Bs aeeing jou 8I'll Bse aSeeing jYou I8'll Bes Saeeing Yjou u'll B3 tou uI'll B3e Seing tYou Iu'll Be3 Seeing Ytou
I''ll Bf Sseing Yoou Ill Bfe Sseeing Yu Il'l Bef Seseing Yuo I'lll Br S3eing Yku I'l Bre S3eeing Ykou I'll Ber Se3eing Yoku
I'kl B4 Sfeing Y9u I'kll B4e Sfeeing Y9ou I'lkl Be4 Sefeing Yo9u I'ol Bd Sreing Y0u I'oll Bde Sreeing Y0ou I'lol Bed Sereing Yo0u
I'pl Bw S4eing Ylu I'pll Bwe S4eeing Ylou I'lpl Bew Se4eing Yolu Sdeing Yiu Yiou Sedeing Yoiu
I'lk Sweing Youu Yo I'llk Seweing You I'lo Yoh Yohu I'llo Seieng Youh
I'lp Sesing Yo7 Yo7u I'llp Seesing You7 Se3ing Yok See3ing Youk Sefing Yoi
Seefing Youi

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