Cyndi Lauper
My First Night Without You

I'm driving home from work
Knowing you're not there
I used to hurry home
Now I don't even care
The sun is in my eyes
So I can't see
But when it sets down behind the
Mountain It's gonna be

My first night without you
My first night without you
My first night without you
Oh...without you

I sit here like a fool
Remembering everything
The way we used to talk
The songs that we used to sing
I've got to try and leave
The past behind
But my memory's so good
I think that I`m losing my mind

My first night without you
My first night without you
And I wonder what I'll do
Oh...without you

Will I be able to sleep
Will I lie in my bed and weep
What if i forget
And reach for you
Will i dream about you
My first first night

My first night without you
My first night without you
And I wonder what I'll do

My first night without you
My first night without you
And I wonder how I`ll get through
Oh...without you

Mirror lyrics:

Oh...without you
And I wonder how I`ll get through
My first night without you
My first night without you

And I wonder what I'll do
My first night without you
My first night without you

My first first night
Will i dream about you
And reach for you
What if i forget
Will I lie in my bed and weep
Will I be able to sleep

Oh...without you
And I wonder what I'll do
My first night without you
My first night without you

I think that I`m losing my mind
But my memory's so good
The past behind
I've got to try and leave
The songs that we used to sing
The way we used to talk
Remembering everything
I sit here like a fool

Oh...without you
My first night without you
My first night without you
My first night without you

Mountain It's gonna be
But when it sets down behind the
So I can't see
The sun is in my eyes
Now I don't even care
I used to hurry home
Knowing you're not there
I'm driving home from work

Relevant Tags:
MMy FFirst NNight WWithout YYou y irst ight ithout ou yM iFrst iNght iWthout oYu jy cirst might aithout gou jMy cFirst mNight aWithout gYou
Mjy Fcirst Nmight Waithout Ygou ky rirst hight 3ithout hou kMy rFirst hNight 3Without hYou Mky Frirst Nhight W3ithout Yhou ny girst jight dithout 6ou
nMy gFirst jNight dWithout 6You Mny Fgirst Njight Wdithout Y6ou Myy tirst bight eithout uou M tFirst bNight eWithout uYou My Ftirst Nbight Weithout Yuou
Mg virst Niight sithout 7ou Mgy vFirst Nght sWithout 7You Myg Fvirst Ngiht Wsithout Y7ou Mh dirst Njght 2ithout jou Mhy dFirst 2Without jYou
Myh Fdirst Nijght W2ithout Yjou M6 Fiirst N9ght qithout tou M6y Frst N9ight qWithout tYou My6 Frist Ni9ght Wqithout Ytou Mu Fjrst Nlght Wiithout Yoou
Muy Fjirst Nlight Wthout Yu Myu Fijrst Nilght Wtihout Yuo M7 F9rst Noght Wjthout Yku M7y F9irst Noight Wjithout Ykou My7 Fi9rst Nioght Wijthout Yoku
Mj Flrst Nkght W9thout Y9u Flirst Nkight W9ithout Y9ou Myj Filrst Nikght Wi9thout Yo9u Mt Forst N8ght Wlthout Y0u Mty Foirst N8ight Wlithout Y0ou
Myt Fiorst Ni8ght Wilthout Yo0u Fkrst Nught Wothout Ylu Fkirst Nuight Woithout Ylou Fikrst Niught Wiothout Yolu F8rst Nigght Wkthout Yiu
F8irst Niht Wkithout Yiou Fi8rst Nihgt Wikthout Yoiu Furst Nihht W8thout Youu Fuirst Nihght W8ithout Yo Fiurst Nighht Wi8thout You
Firrst Niyht Wuthout Yoh Fist Niyght Wuithout Yohu Fisrt Nigyht Wiuthout Youh Fidst Nibht Witthout Yo7 Fidrst Nibght Wihout Yo7u
Firdst Nigbht Wihtout You7 Fi4st Nivht Wifhout Yok Fi4rst Nivght Wifthout Fir4st Nigvht Witfhout Youk Figst Nifht Wi5hout Yoi
Figrst Nifght Wi5thout Firgst Nigfht Wit5hout Youi Fitst Nitht Wihhout Yo8 Fitrst Nitght Wihthout Yo8u Firtst Nigtht Withhout You8
Fi5st Wiyhout Yoj Fi5rst Nigt Wiythout Yoju Fir5st Nigth Wityhout Youj Fifst Nigjt Wi6hout Yoy Fifrst Nigjht Wi6thout Yoyu
Firfst Nighjt Wit6hout Youy Fiest Nigut Wighout Fierst Niguht Wigthout Firest Nighut Witghout Firsst Nignt Wirhout
Firt Nignht Wirthout Firts Nighnt Witrhout Firzt Nigbt Firzst Witout Firszt Nighbt Witohut
Firwt Niggt Witjout

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