Connie Francis
Somebody Else Is Taking My Place

Somebody else is taking my place
Somebody else now shares your embrace
While I am trying to keep from crying
You go around with a smile on your face.

Little you care for vows that you made
How little you care how much I have paid,
My heart is aching, my heart is breaking
For somebody's taking my place.

Little you care for vows that you made
How little you care how much I have paid,
My heart is aching, my heart is breaking
For somebody's taking my place...

Mirror lyrics:

For somebody's taking my place...
My heart is aching, my heart is breaking
How little you care how much I have paid,
Little you care for vows that you made

For somebody's taking my place.
My heart is aching, my heart is breaking
How little you care how much I have paid,
Little you care for vows that you made

You go around with a smile on your face.
While I am trying to keep from crying
Somebody else now shares your embrace
Somebody else is taking my place

Relevant Tags:
SSomebody EElse IIs TTaking MMy PPlace omebody lse s aking y lace oSmebody lEse sI aTking yM lPace zomebody slse js faking jy 0lace zSomebody sElse jIs fTaking jMy 0Place
Szomebody Eslse Ijs Tfaking Mjy P0lace womebody 3lse 9s 5aking ky llace wSomebody 3Else 9Is 5Taking kMy lPlace Swomebody E3lse I9s T5aking Mky Pllace domebody flse ls haking ny olace
dSomebody fElse lIs hTaking nMy oPlace Sdomebody Eflse Ils Thaking Mny Polace eomebody rlse os yaking Myy eSomebody rElse oIs yTaking M Pace Seomebody Erlse Ios Tyaking My Palce
xomebody 4lse ks 6aking Mg Pkace xSomebody 4Else kIs 6Taking Mgy Pklace Sxomebody E4lse Iks T6aking Myg Plkace aomebody dlse 8s gaking Mh Poace aSomebody dElse 8Is gTaking Mhy
Saomebody Edlse I8s Tgaking Myh Ploace Soomebody wlse us raking M6 Ppace Smebody wElse uIs rTaking M6y Pplace Smoebody Ewlse Ius Traking My6 Plpace Skmebody Ellse Iss Taaking Mu Plaace
Skomebody Ese I Tking Muy Plce Sokmebody Esle Is Tkaing Myu Plcae S9mebody Ekse Iz Tzking M7 Plzce S9omebody Eklse Izs Tzaking M7y Plzace So9mebody Elkse Isz Tazking My7 Plazce
S0mebody Eose Iw Tqking Mj Plqce S0omebody Eolse Iws Tqaking Plqace So0mebody Elose Isw Taqking Myj Plaqce Slmebody Epse Id Tsking Mt Plsce Slomebody Eplse Ids Tsaking Mty Plsace
Solmebody Elpse Isd Tasking Myt Plasce Simebody Elsse Ie Twking Plwce Siomebody Ele Ies Twaking Plwace Soimebody Eles Ise Tawking Plawce Sommebody Elze Ix Txking Plxce
Soebody Elzse Ixs Txaking Plxace Soembody Elsze Isx Taxking Plaxce Sojebody Elwe Ia Takking Placce Sojmebody Elwse Ias Taing Plae Somjebody Elswe Isa Taikng Plaec
Sokebody Elde Taling Plafe Eldse Talking Plafce Somkebody Elsde Takling Placfe Sonebody Elee Taoing Plaxe Sonmebody Elese Taoking
Somnebody Elsee Takoing Placxe Someebody Elxe Taming Plave Sombody Elxse Tamking Plavce Sombeody Elsxe Takming Placve Somsbody Elae Tajing Plade
Somsebody Elase Tajking Pladce Somesbody Elsae Takjing Placde Som3body Taiing Placee Som3ebody Els Taiking Plac Some3body Else Takiing Place
Somfbody Elss Placs Somfebody Takng Placse Somefbody Elses Taknig Places Somrbody Els3 Takjng Plac3 Somrebody Els3e Plac3e
Somerbody Else3 Takijng Place3 Som4body Elsf Tak9ng Placf Som4ebody Elsfe Tak9ing Some4body Elsef Taki9ng Placef Somdbody Elsr Taklng Placr
Somdebody Elsre Placre Somedbody Elser Takilng Placer Somwbody Els4 Takong Plac4 Somwebody Els4e Plac4e Somewbody Else4 Takiong Place4
Somebbody Elsd Takkng Placd

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