Common Rider
Dixie Roadrash

Dixie Roadrash at the world's most obvious car crash
She went through twenty states but the one I hate came last

Whoa, nothing slows down
nothing ever turns around
She slipped right through my hands

Herbal remedies are best for minor maladies
Don't want those flowers to lay beside her name
Please excuse me if I don't stand up and tell you things
All those fun and games just left with her today


If I could have just one wish come true
I'd wish you here with me - or that I coulda been there with you


Mirror lyrics:


I'd wish you here with me - or that I coulda been there with you
If I could have just one wish come true


All those fun and games just left with her today
Please excuse me if I don't stand up and tell you things
Don't want those flowers to lay beside her name
Herbal remedies are best for minor maladies

She slipped right through my hands
nothing ever turns around
Whoa, nothing slows down

She went through twenty states but the one I hate came last
Dixie Roadrash at the world's most obvious car crash

Relevant Tags:
DDixie RRoadrash ixie oadrash iDxie oRadrash xixie doadrash xDixie dRoadrash Dxixie Rdoadrash eixie 4oadrash eDixie 4Roadrash
Deixie R4oadrash fixie goadrash fDixie gRoadrash Dfixie Rgoadrash rixie toadrash rDixie tRoadrash Drixie Rtoadrash cixie 5oadrash
cDixie 5Roadrash Dcixie R5oadrash sixie foadrash sDixie fRoadrash Dsixie Rfoadrash Diixie eoadrash Dxie eRoadrash Dxiie Reoadrash
Djxie Rooadrash Djixie Radrash Dijxie Raodrash D9xie Rkadrash D9ixie Rkoadrash Di9xie Rokadrash Dlxie R9adrash Dlixie R9oadrash
Dilxie Ro9adrash Doxie R0adrash Doixie R0oadrash Dioxie Ro0adrash Dkxie Rladrash Dkixie Rloadrash Dikxie Roladrash D8xie Riadrash
D8ixie Rioadrash Di8xie Roiadrash Duxie Roaadrash Duixie Rodrash Diuxie Rodarash Dixxie Rozdrash Diie Rozadrash Diixe Roazdrash
Didie Roqdrash Didxie Roqadrash Dixdie Roaqdrash Dizie Rosdrash Dizxie Rosadrash Dixzie Roasdrash Dicie Rowdrash Dicxie Rowadrash
Dixcie Roawdrash Disie Roxdrash Disxie Roxadrash Dixsie Roaxdrash Dixiie Roaddrash Dixe Roarash Dixei Roardash Dixje Roaxrash
Dixjie Dixije Roadxrash Dix9e Roaerash Dix9ie Roaedrash Dixi9e Roaderash Dixle Roafrash Dixlie Roafdrash Dixile Roadfrash
Dixoe Roarrash Dixoie Roardrash Dixioe Roadrrash Dixke Roacrash Dixkie Roacdrash

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