Common Rotation

Album: The Hotel Cafe

Get this table off my back
And let me teach you how to clap
We'll sketch out all our dreams
And write down our elaborate schemes
We could clone ourselves
Despite what they might say
Put them up on an immortal shelf and save them for a rainy day

Come on come on
Let's hear that laugh before I make a sound again
Invest yourself in one more trance

It's an uncomplicated jest
That locks you in with all the rest
It strangles all the mood
But it keeps you here subdued
We could sneak out the back way
Though it looks just like the entrace
Yes, it's important what they say
They all stay put with a vengeance

Come on come on
Let's hear that laugh before I make a sound again
Invest yourself in one more trance
Darling, it's on it's on
It's always on
I know that's what you've found, my friend
Subject yourself to this new true Hollywood romance

Well you look like Greta Garbo
With a 1960s shag
Well I look like Katrina Neilds
All dressed up in drag

You're so daring so dashing
Your skin's the shiniest star
It's so brilliantly smashing
When I sing:
La lala la la la lala


Come on come on
Come on
Come on come on
Come on

Mirror lyrics:

Come on
Come on come on
Come on
Come on come on


La lala la la la lala
When I sing:
It's so brilliantly smashing
Your skin's the shiniest star
You're so daring so dashing

All dressed up in drag
Well I look like Katrina Neilds
With a 1960s shag
Well you look like Greta Garbo

Subject yourself to this new true Hollywood romance
I know that's what you've found, my friend
It's always on
Darling, it's on it's on
Invest yourself in one more trance
Let's hear that laugh before I make a sound again
Come on come on

They all stay put with a vengeance
Yes, it's important what they say
Though it looks just like the entrace
We could sneak out the back way
But it keeps you here subdued
It strangles all the mood
That locks you in with all the rest
It's an uncomplicated jest

Invest yourself in one more trance
Let's hear that laugh before I make a sound again
Come on come on

Put them up on an immortal shelf and save them for a rainy day
Despite what they might say
We could clone ourselves
And write down our elaborate schemes
We'll sketch out all our dreams
And let me teach you how to clap
Get this table off my back

Album: The Hotel Cafe

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