Common Rider
True Rulers

I see you sitting there
looking just a little like me
We're both too proud to say anything real
Things are bad, but when you ask me if it's all over,
don't you know how I feel?

I remeber back at BHS,
killing time on the courtyard steps
Thinking we were rebels but the world was unimpressed
It was just so easy to love you,
the way you laughed at all my best defenses
Made the world's most convincing actor
come back to his natural senses

We ain't got much, but we got each other,
and I can see that's all that I wanted all along

We were born in a minefield
in a world that's spinning like a roulette wheel,
where everybody is so scared but they can't slow down
You were the first good thing I let myself in
And if I ever made you doubt I love you,
let me tell you what a fool I've been


Mirror lyrics:


let me tell you what a fool I've been
And if I ever made you doubt I love you,
You were the first good thing I let myself in
where everybody is so scared but they can't slow down
in a world that's spinning like a roulette wheel,
We were born in a minefield

and I can see that's all that I wanted all along
We ain't got much, but we got each other,

come back to his natural senses
Made the world's most convincing actor
the way you laughed at all my best defenses
It was just so easy to love you,
Thinking we were rebels but the world was unimpressed
killing time on the courtyard steps
I remeber back at BHS,

don't you know how I feel?
Things are bad, but when you ask me if it's all over,
We're both too proud to say anything real
looking just a little like me
I see you sitting there

Relevant Tags:
TTrue RRulers rue ulers rTue uRlers frue dulers fTrue dRulers Tfrue Rdulers 5rue 4ulers 5True 4Rulers T5rue R4ulers hrue gulers
hTrue gRulers Thrue Rgulers yrue tulers yTrue tRulers Tyrue Rtulers 6rue 5ulers 6True 5Rulers T6rue R5ulers grue fulers gTrue fRulers
Tgrue Rfulers rrue eulers rTrue eRulers Trrue Reulers Ruulers Tue Rlers Ture Rluers Tdue Rhlers Tdrue Rhulers Trdue Ruhlers
T4ue R7lers T4rue R7ulers Tr4ue Ru7lers Tgue Rklers Rkulers Trgue Ruklers Ttue Rilers Ttrue Riulers Trtue Ruilers T5ue R8lers
R8ulers Tr5ue Ru8lers Tfue Rjlers Rjulers Trfue Rujlers Teue Rylers Terue Ryulers Treue Ruylers Truue Rullers Tre Ruers
Treu Ruelrs Trhe Rukers Trhue Truhe Rulkers Tr7e Ruoers Tr7ue Ruolers Tru7e Ruloers Trke Rupers Trkue Ruplers Truke Rulpers
Trie Ruleers

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