When Love Calls You Home

Waiting on the edge with your Prodigal heart
Wanting for someone to save you from yourself
Out there on the edge dangling somewhere in the dark
Doubting if anybody really cares

Until Love reached through the shadows
Whispering your name
Nothing will ever be the same again

'Cause when Love calls you home
Forgiveness embraces the past you once owned
And all the mistakes that carried your name are gone
'Cause that's what happens when Love calls you home

Cradled in the mercy that has no limit
I've finally found a place where I belong
Now I can't imagine one moment without you in it
It's hard to believe I tried to make it on my own

You picked me up from the ruins of my broken life
When every chance was spent, You gave me one more try

'Cause when Love calls you home
Forgiveness embraces the past you once owned
And all the mistakes that carried your name are gone
'Cause that's what happens when Love calls you home

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause that's what happens when Love calls you home
And all the mistakes that carried your name are gone
Forgiveness embraces the past you once owned
'Cause when Love calls you home

When every chance was spent, You gave me one more try
You picked me up from the ruins of my broken life

It's hard to believe I tried to make it on my own
Now I can't imagine one moment without you in it
I've finally found a place where I belong
Cradled in the mercy that has no limit

'Cause that's what happens when Love calls you home
And all the mistakes that carried your name are gone
Forgiveness embraces the past you once owned
'Cause when Love calls you home

Nothing will ever be the same again
Whispering your name
Until Love reached through the shadows

Doubting if anybody really cares
Out there on the edge dangling somewhere in the dark
Wanting for someone to save you from yourself
Waiting on the edge with your Prodigal heart

Relevant Tags:
WWhen LLove CCalls YYou HHome hen ove alls ou ome hWen oLve aClls oYu oHme ahen kove falls gou jome aWhen kLove fCalls gYou jHome Wahen Lkove Cfalls Ygou Hjome
3hen oove xalls hou uome 3When oLove xCalls hYou uHome W3hen Loove Cxalls Yhou Huome dhen pove valls 6ou nome dWhen pLove vCalls 6You nHome Wdhen Lpove Cvalls Y6ou Hnome
ehen dalls uou bome eWhen Lve dCalls uYou bHome Wehen Lvoe Cdalls Yuou Hbome shen Lkve Caalls 7ou gome sWhen Clls 7You gHome Wshen Lokve Clals Y7ou Hgome
2hen L9ve Czlls jou yome 2When L9ove Czalls jYou yHome W2hen Lo9ve Cazlls Yjou Hyome qhen L0ve Cqlls tou Hoome qWhen L0ove Cqalls tYou Hme Wqhen Lo0ve Caqlls Ytou Hmoe
Whhen Llve Cslls Yoou Hkme Wen Llove Csalls Yu Hkome Wehn Lolve Caslls Yuo Hokme Wjen Live Cwlls Yku H9me Wjhen Liove Cwalls Ykou H9ome Whjen Loive Cawlls Yoku Ho9me
Wuen Lovve Cxlls Y9u H0me Wuhen Loe Y9ou H0ome Whuen Loev Caxlls Yo9u Ho0me Wnen Lobe Callls Y0u Hlme Wnhen Lobve Cals Y0ou Hlome Whnen Lovbe Calls Yo0u Holme
Wben Loce Cakls Ylu Hime Wbhen Locve Caklls Ylou Hiome Whben Lovce Calkls Yolu Hoime Wgen Loge Caols Yiu Homme Wghen Logve Caolls Yiou Hoe Whgen Lovge Calols Yoiu Hoem

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