Colour Of Fire
Pearl Necklace For Her Majesty

As your servant patronise me
Put my face inside of paintings
Blessed are the royal favourites
Blessed are the royal favourites
A pearl necklace for her majesty
you do not a thing for me,
can't you see your king, that catholic?
Make me a martyr!
Make me a martyr!

Waiting for your king to disown you...
I'm you fat traitor your majesty (majesty)
Waiting for the king to enthrone you
I'm your fat traitor your majesty (majesty)

As your vacant, move inside you
All your spacious things around you
Blessed are the royal favourites
Blessed are the royal favourites
A pearl necklace for her majesty,
you call and we come rushing,
Showered in these gifts and bracelets,
Make me a martyr!,
I'll Die just another

Waiting for your king to disown you...
I'm you fat traitor your majesty (majesty)
Waiting for the king to enthrone you
I'm your fat traitor your majesty (majesty)

(you're nothing when you're alone)

Mirror lyrics:

(you're nothing when you're alone)

I'm your fat traitor your majesty (majesty)
Waiting for the king to enthrone you
I'm you fat traitor your majesty (majesty)
Waiting for your king to disown you...

I'll Die just another
Make me a martyr!,
Showered in these gifts and bracelets,
you call and we come rushing,
A pearl necklace for her majesty,
Blessed are the royal favourites
Blessed are the royal favourites
All your spacious things around you
As your vacant, move inside you

I'm your fat traitor your majesty (majesty)
Waiting for the king to enthrone you
I'm you fat traitor your majesty (majesty)
Waiting for your king to disown you...

Make me a martyr!
Make me a martyr!
can't you see your king, that catholic?
you do not a thing for me,
A pearl necklace for her majesty
Blessed are the royal favourites
Blessed are the royal favourites
Put my face inside of paintings
As your servant patronise me

Relevant Tags:
PPearl NNecklace FFor HHer MMajesty earl ecklace or er ajesty eParl eNcklace oFr eHr aMjesty 0earl mecklace cor jer jajesty 0Pearl mNecklace cFor jHer jMajesty
P0earl Nmecklace Fcor Hjer Mjajesty learl hecklace ror uer kajesty lPearl hNecklace rFor uHer kMajesty Plearl Nhecklace Fror Huer Mkajesty oearl jecklace gor ner najesty
oPearl jNecklace gFor nHer nMajesty Poearl Njecklace Fgor Hner Mnajesty Peearl becklace tor ber Maajesty Parl bNecklace tFor bHer Mjesty Paerl Nbecklace Ftor Hber Mjaesty
Psarl Neecklace vor ger Mzjesty Psearl Ncklace vFor gHer Mzajesty Pesarl Nceklace Fvor Hger Mazjesty P3arl Nscklace dor yer Mqjesty P3earl Nsecklace dFor yHer Mqajesty
Pe3arl Nescklace Fdor Hyer Maqjesty Pfarl N3cklace Foor Heer Msjesty Pfearl N3ecklace Fr Hr Msajesty Pefarl Ne3cklace Fro Hre Masjesty Prarl Nfcklace Fkr Hsr Mwjesty
Prearl Nfecklace Fkor Hser Mwajesty Perarl Nefcklace Fokr Hesr Mawjesty P4arl Nrcklace F9r H3r Mxjesty P4earl Nrecklace F9or H3er Mxajesty Pe4arl Nercklace Fo9r He3r Maxjesty
Pdarl N4cklace F0r Hfr Majjesty Pdearl N4ecklace F0or Hfer Maesty Pedarl Ne4cklace Fo0r Hefr Maejsty Pwarl Ndcklace Flr Hrr Makesty Pwearl Ndecklace Flor Hrer Makjesty
Pewarl Nedcklace Folr Herr Majkesty Peaarl Nwcklace Fir H4r Maiesty Perl Nwecklace Fior H4er Maijesty Peral Newcklace Foir He4r Majiesty Pezrl Neccklace Forr Hdr Mamesty
Pezarl Neklace Fo Hder Mamjesty Peazrl Nekclace For Hedr Majmesty Peqrl Nefklace Fod Hwr Manesty Peqarl Fodr Hwer Manjesty Peaqrl Necfklace Ford Hewr Majnesty
Pesrl Nexklace Fo4 Mahesty Nexcklace Fo4r He Mahjesty Peasrl Necxklace For4 Her Majhesty Pewrl Nevklace Fog Hed Mauesty Nevcklace Fogr Maujesty
Peawrl Necvklace Forg Herd Majuesty Pexrl Nedklace Fot He4 Majeesty Pexarl Fotr Majsty Peaxrl Necdklace Fort Her4 Majsety Pearrl Neckklace Fo5 Heg Majssty
Peal Neclace Fo5r Hegr Majsesty Pealr Neclkace For5 Herg Majessty Peadl Necllace Fof Het Maj3sty Peadrl Neclklace Fofr Hetr Maj3esty Peardl Neckllace Forf Hert Maje3sty
Pea4l Necolace Foe He5 Majfsty Pea4rl Necoklace Foer He5r Majfesty Pear4l Neckolace Fore Her5 Majefsty Peagl Necmlace Hef Majrsty Peagrl Necmklace Majresty
Peargl Neckmlace Herf Majersty Peatl Necjlace Hee Maj4sty Peatrl Necjklace Maj4esty

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