Colony 5
Synchronized Hearts

I look towards the stars tonight
Silhouettes are dancing in the clouds tonight
I search my soul mate where is she?
I scan the skies and the seas

To electronic eyes the night is day
Light is white and dark is grey
My carbon fibre heart has fallen asleep
It dreams of love, the kind to keep

Our synchronized hearts they beat as one
Like a movie theme that's just begun
A movie shot in black & white
That we replay all through the night

A female shape is taking form
Blows through my skin, a tornado storm
Defensive systems go off line
Optical recognition of your design

I embrace your intrusion
We disappear in seclusion
Cloaked from human view
We start our interface debut

Mirror lyrics:

We start our interface debut
Cloaked from human view
We disappear in seclusion
I embrace your intrusion

Optical recognition of your design
Defensive systems go off line
Blows through my skin, a tornado storm
A female shape is taking form

That we replay all through the night
A movie shot in black & white
Like a movie theme that's just begun
Our synchronized hearts they beat as one

It dreams of love, the kind to keep
My carbon fibre heart has fallen asleep
Light is white and dark is grey
To electronic eyes the night is day

I scan the skies and the seas
I search my soul mate where is she?
Silhouettes are dancing in the clouds tonight
I look towards the stars tonight

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eynchronized bearts eSynchronized bHearts Seynchronized Hbearts xynchronized gearts xSynchronized gHearts Sxynchronized Hgearts
aynchronized yearts aSynchronized yHearts Saynchronized Hyearts Syynchronized Heearts Snchronized Harts Snychronized Haerts
Sgnchronized Hsarts Sgynchronized Hsearts Sygnchronized Hesarts Shnchronized H3arts Shynchronized H3earts Syhnchronized He3arts
S6nchronized Hfarts S6ynchronized Hfearts Sy6nchronized Hefarts Sunchronized Hrarts Suynchronized Hrearts Syunchronized Herarts
S7nchronized H4arts S7ynchronized H4earts Sy7nchronized He4arts Sjnchronized Hdarts Sjynchronized Hdearts Syjnchronized Hedarts
Stnchronized Hwarts Stynchronized Hwearts Sytnchronized Hewarts Synnchronized Heaarts Sychronized Herts Sycnhronized Herats
Symchronized Hezrts Symnchronized Hezarts Synmchronized Heazrts Syhchronized Heqrts Heqarts Synhchronized Heaqrts
Syjchronized Hesrts Synjchronized Heasrts Sybchronized Hewrts Sybnchronized Synbchronized Heawrts Syncchronized Hexrts
Synhronized Hexarts Synhcronized Heaxrts Synfhronized Hearrts Synfchronized Heats Syncfhronized Heatrs Synxhronized Headts
Synxchronized Headrts Syncxhronized Heardts Synvhronized Hea4ts Synvchronized Hea4rts Syncvhronized Hear4ts Syndhronized Heagts
Syndchronized Heagrts Syncdhronized Heargts Synchhronized Heatts Syncronized Heatrts Syncrhonized Heartts Syncjronized Hea5ts
Syncjhronized Hea5rts Synchjronized Hear5ts Syncuronized Heafts Syncuhronized Heafrts Synchuronized Hearfts Syncnronized Heaets
Syncnhronized Heaerts Synchnronized Hearets Syncbronized Syncbhronized Hears Synchbronized Hearst Syncgronized Hearfs
Syncghronized Synchgronized Heartfs Syncyronized Hear5s Syncyhronized Synchyronized Heart5s Synchrronized Hearhs
Synchonized Hearhts Synchornized Hearths Synchdonized Hearys Synchdronized Hearyts Synchrdonized Heartys Synch4onized Hear6s
Synch4ronized Hear6ts Synchr4onized Heart6s Synchgonized Heargs Synchrgonized Heartgs Synchtonized Hearrs Synchtronized
Synchrtonized Heartrs Synch5onized Heartss

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