Three Times A Lady [7'' Version]

And now that we've come
To the end of our rainbow
There's something
I must say out loud
You're once, twice
Three times a lady
And I love you
Yes you're once twice
Three times a lady
And I love you
And I love you

When we are together
The moments I cherish
With every beat of my heart
To touch you to hold you
To feel you to need you
There's nothing to keep us apart

You're once twice
Three times a lady
And I love you
I love you

Mirror lyrics:

I love you
And I love you
Three times a lady
You're once twice

There's nothing to keep us apart
To feel you to need you
To touch you to hold you
With every beat of my heart
The moments I cherish
When we are together

And I love you
And I love you
Three times a lady
Yes you're once twice
And I love you
Three times a lady
You're once, twice
I must say out loud
There's something
To the end of our rainbow
And now that we've come

Relevant Tags:
TThree TTimes AA LLady [[7'' VVersion] hree imes ady 7'' ersion] hTree iTmes A aLdy 7['' eVrsion] fhree fimes z kady [77'' bersion] fThree fTimes zA kLady ['' bVersion]
Tfhree Tfimes Az Lkady ['7' Vbersion] 5hree 5imes q oady [8'' cersion] 5Three 5Times qA oLady [87'' cVersion] T5hree T5imes Aq Loady [78'' Vcersion] hhree himes s pady [y'' gersion]
hThree hTimes sA pLady [y7'' gVersion] Thhree Thimes As Lpady [7y'' Vgersion] yhree yimes w Laady [u'' fersion] yThree yTimes wA Ldy [u7'' fVersion] Tyhree Tyimes Aw Lday [7u'' Vfersion]
6hree 6imes x Lzdy [6'' Veersion] 6Three 6Times xA Lzady [67'' Vrsion] T6hree T6imes Ax Lazdy [76'' Vresion] ghree gimes Lqdy [7''' Vsrsion] gThree gTimes Lqady [7' Vsersion]
Tghree Tgimes Laqdy [7'' Vesrsion] rhree rimes Lsdy V3rsion] rThree rTimes Lsady V3ersion] Trhree Trimes Lasdy Ve3rsion] Tiimes Lwdy Vfrsion]
Tree Tmes Lwady Trhee Tmies Lawdy Vefrsion] Tjree Tjmes Lxdy Vrrsion] Tjhree Tjimes Lxady Vrersion] Thjree Tijmes Laxdy Verrsion]
Turee T9mes Laddy V4rsion] Tuhree T9imes Lay V4ersion] Thuree Ti9mes Layd Ve4rsion] Tnree Tlmes Laxy Vdrsion] Tnhree Tlimes Vdersion]
Thnree Tilmes Ladxy Vedrsion] Tbree Tomes Laey Vwrsion] Tbhree Toimes Laedy Vwersion] Thbree Tiomes Ladey Vewrsion] Tgree Tkmes Lafy
Tkimes Lafdy Vesion] Thgree Tikmes Ladfy Vesrion] Tyree T8mes Lary Vedsion] T8imes Lardy Thyree Ti8mes Ladry Verdsion]
Thrree Tumes Lacy Ve4sion] Thee Tuimes Lacdy There Tiumes Ladcy Ver4sion] Thdee Timmes Lasy Vegsion] Thdree Ties Vegrsion]
Thrdee Tiems Ladsy Vergsion] Th4ee Tijes Ladyy Vetsion] Th4ree Lad Vetrsion] Thr4ee Timjes Lady Vertsion] Thgee Tikes Ladg Ve5sion]
Ladgy Ve5rsion] Thrgee Timkes Ladyg Ver5sion] Thtee Tines Ladh Vefsion] Thtree Tinmes Ladhy Thrtee Timnes Ladyh Verfsion]
Th5ee Timees Lad6 Veesion] Th5ree Tims Lad6y Thr5ee Timse Lady6 Veresion] Thfee Timss Ladu Verssion] Thfree Timses Laduy Verion]
Thrfee Timess Ladyu Verison]

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