Conway Twitty
Private Part Of My Heart

(Troy Seals - Max D. Barnes)

Operator I'm calling long distance please
Charge it to my room, 7-0-2
Hello, baby, no, there's nothing wrong
You know me when I'm away from you.

You see a blue moon's hanging low outside our window
Uhm, and it's hard to sleep with all of those feelin's around
Ooh, if I had wings tonight you could imagine things
I never wanted you more than I want you right now.

--- Instrumental ---

Lookin' out at the city, it sparkles and it shines
But it holds no fascination compared to you
Save me some long nights and your wildest dreams
And all of your love and some of that moon.

Life may take me down a winding road
But nothing in this world can change my love
Forever you can believe you'll always be here with me
In the warmest private part of my heart.

Right here, in the warmest private part of my heart.
Right here baby...

Mirror lyrics:

Right here baby...
Right here, in the warmest private part of my heart.

In the warmest private part of my heart.
Forever you can believe you'll always be here with me
But nothing in this world can change my love
Life may take me down a winding road

And all of your love and some of that moon.
Save me some long nights and your wildest dreams
But it holds no fascination compared to you
Lookin' out at the city, it sparkles and it shines

--- Instrumental ---

I never wanted you more than I want you right now.
Ooh, if I had wings tonight you could imagine things
Uhm, and it's hard to sleep with all of those feelin's around
You see a blue moon's hanging low outside our window

You know me when I'm away from you.
Hello, baby, no, there's nothing wrong
Charge it to my room, 7-0-2
Operator I'm calling long distance please

(Troy Seals - Max D. Barnes)

Relevant Tags:
PPrivate PPart OOf MMy HHeart rivate art f y eart rPivate aPrt fO yM eHart 0rivate 0art kf jy jeart 0Private 0Part kOf jMy jHeart P0rivate P0art Okf Mjy Hjeart
lrivate lart 9f ky ueart lPrivate lPart 9Of kMy uHeart Plrivate Plart O9f Mky Hueart orivate oart 0f ny neart oPrivate oPart 0Of nMy nHeart Porivate Poart O0f Mny Hneart
Prrivate Paart lf Myy beart Pivate Prt lOf M bHeart Pirvate Prat Olf My Hbeart Pdivate Pzrt if Mg geart Pdrivate Pzart iOf Mgy gHeart Prdivate Pazrt Oif Myg Hgeart
P4ivate Pqrt Off Mh yeart P4rivate Pqart O Mhy yHeart Pr4ivate Paqrt Of Myh Hyeart Pgivate Psrt Oc M6 Heeart Pgrivate Psart Ocf M6y Hart Prgivate Pasrt Ofc My6 Haert
Ptivate Pwrt Or Mu Hsart Ptrivate Pwart Orf Muy Hseart Prtivate Pawrt Ofr Myu Hesart P5ivate Pxrt Og M7 H3art P5rivate Pxart Ogf M7y H3eart Pr5ivate Paxrt Ofg My7 He3art
Pfivate Parrt Ot Mj Hfart Pfrivate Pat Otf Hfeart Prfivate Patr Oft Myj Hefart Peivate Padt Ov Mt Hrart Perivate Padrt Ovf Mty Hreart Preivate Pardt Ofv Myt Herart
Priivate Pa4t Od H4art Prvate Pa4rt Odf H4eart Prviate Par4t Ofd He4art Prjvate Pagt Hdart Prjivate Pagrt Hdeart Prijvate Pargt Hedart
Pr9vate Patt Hwart Pr9ivate Patrt Hweart Pri9vate Partt Hewart Prlvate Pa5t Heaart Prlivate Pa5rt Hert Prilvate Par5t Herat
Provate Paft Hezrt Proivate Pafrt Hezart Priovate Parft Heazrt Prkvate Paet Heqrt Prkivate Paert Heqart Prikvate Paret Heaqrt
Pr8vate Hesrt Pr8ivate Par Pri8vate Part Heasrt Pruvate Parf Hewrt Pruivate Priuvate Partf Heawrt
Privvate Par5 Hexrt Priate Hexart Priavte Part5 Heaxrt Pribate Parh Hearrt Pribvate Parht Heat Privbate Parth Heatr
Pricate Pary Headt Pricvate Paryt Headrt Privcate Party Heardt Prigate Par6 Hea4t

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