Conway Twitty
It Keeps Right On A Hurtin'

(Johnny Tillotson)

I cry myself to sleep each night
Wishing I could hold you tight
Life seems so empty since you went away
The pillow where you lay your head
Holds my lonely tears instead
It keeps right on a-hurtin'
Since you're gone.

It keeps right on a'hurtin every minute of the day
Every hour you're away I feel so lonely
And I can't help it, I don't think I can go on
And it keeps right on a-hurtin' since you're gone.

--- Instrumental ---

They say a man should never cry when I see you passing by
My heart breaks down and cries a million tears
You broke my heart and set me free you forgot your
And it keeps right on a-hurtin' since you're gone.

It keeps right on a'hurtin every minute of the day
Every hour you're away I feel so lonely
And I can't help it, I don't think I can go on
And it keeps right on a-hurtin' since you're gone...

Mirror lyrics:

And it keeps right on a-hurtin' since you're gone...
And I can't help it, I don't think I can go on
Every hour you're away I feel so lonely
It keeps right on a'hurtin every minute of the day

And it keeps right on a-hurtin' since you're gone.
You broke my heart and set me free you forgot your
My heart breaks down and cries a million tears
They say a man should never cry when I see you passing by

--- Instrumental ---

And it keeps right on a-hurtin' since you're gone.
And I can't help it, I don't think I can go on
Every hour you're away I feel so lonely
It keeps right on a'hurtin every minute of the day

Since you're gone.
It keeps right on a-hurtin'
Holds my lonely tears instead
The pillow where you lay your head
Life seems so empty since you went away
Wishing I could hold you tight
I cry myself to sleep each night

(Johnny Tillotson)

Relevant Tags:
IIt KKeeps RRight OOn AA HHurtin' t eeps ight n urtin' tI eKeps iRght nO A uHrtin' jt leeps dight kn z jurtin' jIt lKeeps dRight kOn zA jHurtin'
Ijt Kleeps Rdight Okn Az Hjurtin' 9t oeeps 4ight 9n q uurtin' 9It oKeeps 4Right 9On qA uHurtin' I9t Koeeps R4ight O9n Aq Huurtin' lt meeps gight 0n s nurtin'
lIt mKeeps gRight 0On sA nHurtin' Ilt Kmeeps Rgight O0n As Hnurtin' ot jeeps tight ln w burtin' oIt jKeeps tRight lOn wA bHurtin' Iot Kjeeps Rtight Oln Aw Hburtin'
kt ieeps 5ight in x gurtin' kIt iKeeps 5Right iOn xA gHurtin' Ikt Kieeps R5ight Oin Ax Hgurtin' 8t Keeeps fight Onn yurtin' 8It Keps fRight O yHurtin'
I8t Keeps Rfight On Hyurtin' ut Kseps eight Om uIt Kseeps eRight Omn Hrtin' Iut Keseps Reight Onm Hrutin' Itt K3eps Riight Oh Hhrtin'
I K3eeps Rght Ohn Hhurtin' It Ke3eps Rgiht Onh Huhrtin' If Kfeps Rjght Oj H7rtin' Ift Kfeeps Rjight Ojn H7urtin' Itf Kefeps Rijght Onj Hu7rtin'
I5 Kreps R9ght Ob Hkrtin' I5t Kreeps R9ight Obn Hkurtin' It5 Kereps Ri9ght Onb Hukrtin' Ih K4eps Rlght Hirtin' Iht K4eeps Rlight Hiurtin'
Ith Ke4eps Rilght Huirtin' Iy Kdeps Roght H8rtin' Iyt Kdeeps Roight H8urtin' Ity Kedeps Rioght Hu8rtin' I6 Kweps Rkght Hjrtin'
I6t Kweeps Rkight It6 Keweps Rikght Hujrtin' Ig R8ght Hyrtin' Igt R8ight Itg Kepes Ri8ght Huyrtin'
Ir Kesps Rught Hurrtin' Irt Ruight Hutin' Itr Keesps Riught Hutrin' Ke3ps Rigght Hudtin' Riht Hudrtin'
Kee3ps Rihgt Hurdtin' Kefps Rihht Hu4tin' Rihght Hu4rtin' Keefps Righht Hur4tin' Kerps Riyht Hugtin'
Riyght Hugrtin' Keerps Rigyht Hurgtin' Ke4ps Ribht Huttin' Ribght Hutrtin' Kee4ps Rigbht Hurttin'
Kedps Rivht Hu5tin' Rivght Hu5rtin' Keedps Rigvht Hur5tin'

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