Conway Twitty
Walk Me To The Door

(Conway Twitty)

Walk me to the door and hold me close just one more time,
Kiss me just once more the way you did when you were mine.
The longest walk I'll ever take will be across that floor that's why
I'm asking one last favor Walk me to the door.

I love another, won't you let me be
These are the words you said to me.
How can I go through life without you like it was before
When I can't even make it to the door.

Walk me to the door and hold me close just one more time
Kiss me just once more the way you did when you were mine.
The longest walk I'll ever take will be across that floor that's why
I'm asking one last favor Walk me to the door.

--- Instrumental ---

I promise I won't try to make amends,
I know I don't deserve you back again.
My trembling lips are begging, they never did before
Just one last favor Walk me to the door.

Walk me to the door and hold me close just one more time,
Kiss me just once more the way you did when you were mine.
The longest walk I'll ever take will be across that floor that's why
I'm asking one last favor Walk me to the door...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm asking one last favor Walk me to the door...
The longest walk I'll ever take will be across that floor that's why
Kiss me just once more the way you did when you were mine.
Walk me to the door and hold me close just one more time,

Just one last favor Walk me to the door.
My trembling lips are begging, they never did before
I know I don't deserve you back again.
I promise I won't try to make amends,

--- Instrumental ---

I'm asking one last favor Walk me to the door.
The longest walk I'll ever take will be across that floor that's why
Kiss me just once more the way you did when you were mine.
Walk me to the door and hold me close just one more time

When I can't even make it to the door.
How can I go through life without you like it was before
These are the words you said to me.
I love another, won't you let me be

I'm asking one last favor Walk me to the door.
The longest walk I'll ever take will be across that floor that's why
Kiss me just once more the way you did when you were mine.
Walk me to the door and hold me close just one more time,

(Conway Twitty)

Relevant Tags:
WWalk MMe TTo TThe DDoor alk e o he oor aWlk eM oT hTe oDor aalk je fo fhe xoor aWalk jMe fTo fThe xDoor Waalk Mje Tfo Tfhe Dxoor
3alk ke 5o 5he eoor 3Walk kMe 5To 5The eDoor W3alk Mke T5o T5he Deoor dalk ne ho hhe foor dWalk nMe hTo hThe fDoor Wdalk Mne Tho Thhe Dfoor
ealk Mee yo yhe roor eWalk M yTo yThe rDoor Wealk Me Tyo Tyhe Droor salk Ms 6o 6he coor sWalk Mse 6To 6The cDoor Wsalk Mes T6o T6he Dcoor
2alk M3 go ghe soor 2Walk M3e gTo gThe sDoor W2alk Me3 Tgo Tghe Dsoor qalk Mf ro rhe Dooor qWalk Mfe rTo rThe Dor Wqalk Mef Tro Trhe Door
Mr Too Dkor Wlk Mre T Te Dkoor Wlak Mer To Teh Dokor Wzlk M4 Tk Tje D9or Wzalk M4e Tko Tjhe D9oor Wazlk Me4 Tok Thje Do9or
Wqlk Md T9 Tue D0or Mde T9o Tuhe D0oor Waqlk Med To9 Thue Do0or Wslk Mw T0 Tne Dlor Mwe T0o Tnhe Dloor Waslk Mew To0 Thne Dolor
Wwlk Tl Tbe Dior

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