Conway Twitty
To See My Angel Cry

(Conway Twitty - L.E. White - Charles Haney)

See her there, see her crying,
She thinks she loves him so
She don't know how much it hurts me
To hear her beg him not to go.

If she were mine again
I'd never let the tears fill her eyes
She don't know how much it hurts me
To see an angel cry.

Once she built her world around me
But like a fool I tore it down
And she begged me not to leave her,
Just the way she's doing now.

Now, she's begging to another
With that same hurt in her eyes
She don't know how much it hurts me
To see an angel cry.

I didn't know how much I loved her
Till she turned and walked away
I didn't know how much I'd hurt her
Till I saw her here this way.

If she were mine I'd hold her forever
and dry the tears from her eyes
She don't know how much it hurts me
To see my angel cry.

She don't know how much it hurts me
To see my angel cry...

Mirror lyrics:

To see my angel cry...
She don't know how much it hurts me

To see my angel cry.
She don't know how much it hurts me
and dry the tears from her eyes
If she were mine I'd hold her forever

Till I saw her here this way.
I didn't know how much I'd hurt her
Till she turned and walked away
I didn't know how much I loved her

To see an angel cry.
She don't know how much it hurts me
With that same hurt in her eyes
Now, she's begging to another

Just the way she's doing now.
And she begged me not to leave her,
But like a fool I tore it down
Once she built her world around me

To see an angel cry.
She don't know how much it hurts me
I'd never let the tears fill her eyes
If she were mine again

To hear her beg him not to go.
She don't know how much it hurts me
She thinks she loves him so
See her there, see her crying,

(Conway Twitty - L.E. White - Charles Haney)

Relevant Tags:
TTo SSee MMy AAngel CCry o ee y ngel ry oT eSe yM nAgel rCy fo zee jy zngel fry fTo zSee jMy zAngel fCry Tfo Szee Mjy Azngel Cfry
5o wee ky qngel xry 5To wSee kMy qAngel xCry T5o Swee Mky Aqngel Cxry ho dee ny sngel vry hTo dSee nMy sAngel vCry Tho Sdee Mny Asngel Cvry
yo eee Myy wngel dry yTo eSee M wAngel dCry Tyo Seee My Awngel Cdry 6o xee Mg xngel Crry 6To xSee Mgy xAngel Cy T6o Sxee Myg Axngel Cyr
go aee Mh Anngel Cdy gTo aSee Mhy Agel Tgo Saee Myh Agnel Crdy ro M6 Amgel C4y rTo Se M6y Amngel C4ry Tro See My6 Anmgel Cr4y
Too Sse Mu Ahgel Cgy T Ssee Muy Ahngel Cgry To Sese Myu Anhgel Crgy Tk S3e M7 Ajgel Cty Tko S3ee M7y Ajngel Ctry Tok Se3e My7 Anjgel Crty
T9 Sfe Mj Abgel C5y T9o Sfee Abngel C5ry To9 Sefe Myj Anbgel Cr5y T0 Sre Mt Anggel Cfy T0o Sree Mty Anel To0 Sere Myt Anegl Crfy
Tl S4e Anhel Cey Tlo S4ee Cery Tol Se4e Anghel Crey Ti Sde Anyel Cryy Tio Anygel Cr Toi Sede Angyel Cry
Swe Anbel Crg

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