The Day Seattle Died

Turn all the lights down low
Tryig to fade your apathy
Made up a world where you can even be you
Star in a tragedy
A shattered voice on an open chord
They line up around the world just to hear you scream

Blown away by fame
We could all feel the shotgun hit the floor
Never mind in faith
If you can't believe

Drowning in misery
The nightmare began when you closed the door
You sat in your angry chair and jus tried to be you
The needle became your queen
The drug had become your enemy
And music was just a way for you to bleed

Blown away by fame
We could all feel the shotgun hit the floor
Never learn in faith
If you can't believe

Blown away by the fame
We could all feel the shotgun hit the floor
Never mind in faith
If you can't believe
and you won't believe
and he can't believe

Blown away by the fame
We could all feel the shotgun hit the floor
Never mind in faith
If you can't believe

Blown away by the fame
We could all feel the shotgun hit the floor
Never mind in faith
If you can't believe
and you won't believe
and he can't believe
and they won't believe
and they can't believe

Mirror lyrics:

and they can't believe
and they won't believe
and he can't believe
and you won't believe
If you can't believe
Never mind in faith
We could all feel the shotgun hit the floor
Blown away by the fame

If you can't believe
Never mind in faith
We could all feel the shotgun hit the floor
Blown away by the fame

and he can't believe
and you won't believe
If you can't believe
Never mind in faith
We could all feel the shotgun hit the floor
Blown away by the fame

If you can't believe
Never learn in faith
We could all feel the shotgun hit the floor
Blown away by fame

And music was just a way for you to bleed
The drug had become your enemy
The needle became your queen
You sat in your angry chair and jus tried to be you
The nightmare began when you closed the door
Drowning in misery

If you can't believe
Never mind in faith
We could all feel the shotgun hit the floor
Blown away by fame

They line up around the world just to hear you scream
A shattered voice on an open chord
Star in a tragedy
Made up a world where you can even be you
Tryig to fade your apathy
Turn all the lights down low

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDay SSeattle DDied he ay eattle ied hTe aDy eSattle iDed fhe xay zeattle xied fThe xDay zSeattle xDied Tfhe Dxay Szeattle Dxied
5he eay weattle eied 5The eDay wSeattle eDied T5he Deay Sweattle Deied hhe fay deattle fied hThe fDay dSeattle fDied Thhe Dfay Sdeattle Dfied
yhe ray eeattle ried yThe rDay eSeattle rDied Tyhe Dray Seeattle Dried 6he cay xeattle cied 6The cDay xSeattle cDied T6he Dcay Sxeattle Dcied
ghe say aeattle sied gThe sDay aSeattle sDied Tghe Dsay Saeattle Dsied rhe Daay Diied rThe Dy Sattle Ded Trhe Dya Saettle Deid
Dzy Ssattle Djed Te Dzay Sseattle Djied Teh Dazy Sesattle Dijed Tje Dqy S3attle D9ed Tjhe Dqay S3eattle D9ied Thje Daqy Se3attle Di9ed
Tue Dsy Sfattle Dled Tuhe Sfeattle Dlied Thue Dasy Sefattle Diled Tne Dwy Srattle Doed Tnhe Dway Sreattle Doied Thne Dawy Serattle Dioed
Tbe Dxy S4attle Dked Tbhe S4eattle Dkied Thbe Daxy Se4attle Diked Tge Dayy Sdattle D8ed Da D8ied Thge Day Sedattle Di8ed
Tye Dag Swattle Dued Dagy Duied Thye Dayg Sewattle Diued Thee Dah Seaattle Dieed Th Dahy Settle Did The Dayh Setatle Dide
Ths Da6 Sezttle Disd Thse Da6y Sezattle Dised Thes Day6 Seazttle Diesd Th3 Dau Seqttle Di3d Th3e Dauy Seqattle Di3ed The3 Dayu Seaqttle Die3d
Thf Da7 Sesttle Difd Thfe Da7y Difed Thef Day7 Seasttle Diefd Thr Daj Sewttle Dird Thre Dajy Dired Ther Dayj Seawttle Dierd
Th4 Dat Sexttle Di4d Th4e Daty Sexattle Di4ed The4 Dayt Seaxttle Die4d Thd Seatttle Didd Thde Seatle Dided Thed Seattle Diedd

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