Wasted Years

There's a game life plays
Makes you think you're everything they ever said you were
I'd like to take some time
Clear away everything I've planned

Was it life I betrayed?
For the shape that I'm in
It's not hard to fail
It's not easy to win
Did I drink too much?
Could I disappear?
And there's nothing that's left but wasted years
There's nothing left but wasted years
There's nothing left but wasted years

If I could change my life
Be a simple kind of man
Try to do the best I can
If I could take the signs
I'd derail every path I could
An I'm about to die
Won't you clear away from me?
Give me strength to fly away?

Was it life I betrayed?
For the shape that I'm in
It's not hard to fail
It's not easy to win
Did I drink too much?
Could I disappear?
And there's nothing that's left but wasted tears
There's nothing left but wasted years
There's nothing left but wasted years
There's nothing left but wasted years

Was it life I betrayed?
For the shape that I'm in
It's not hard to fail
It's not easy to win
Did I drink too much?
Could I disappear?
And there's nothing that's left but wasted tears

Was it life I betrayed?
There's nothing left but wasted years
For the shape that I'm in
There's nothing left but wasted years
Did I drink too much?
There's nothing left but wasted years
All those wasted years
There's nothing left but wasted years

Was it life I betrayed?
For the shape that I'm in
It's not hard to fail
It's not easy to win

Mirror lyrics:

It's not easy to win
It's not hard to fail
For the shape that I'm in
Was it life I betrayed?

There's nothing left but wasted years
All those wasted years
There's nothing left but wasted years
Did I drink too much?
There's nothing left but wasted years
For the shape that I'm in
There's nothing left but wasted years
Was it life I betrayed?

And there's nothing that's left but wasted tears
Could I disappear?
Did I drink too much?
It's not easy to win
It's not hard to fail
For the shape that I'm in
Was it life I betrayed?

There's nothing left but wasted years
There's nothing left but wasted years
There's nothing left but wasted years
And there's nothing that's left but wasted tears
Could I disappear?
Did I drink too much?
It's not easy to win
It's not hard to fail
For the shape that I'm in
Was it life I betrayed?

Give me strength to fly away?
Won't you clear away from me?
An I'm about to die
I'd derail every path I could
If I could take the signs
Try to do the best I can
Be a simple kind of man
If I could change my life

There's nothing left but wasted years
There's nothing left but wasted years
And there's nothing that's left but wasted years
Could I disappear?
Did I drink too much?
It's not easy to win
It's not hard to fail
For the shape that I'm in
Was it life I betrayed?

Clear away everything I've planned
I'd like to take some time
Makes you think you're everything they ever said you were
There's a game life plays

Relevant Tags:
WWasted YYears asted ears aWsted eYars aasted gears aWasted gYears Waasted Ygears 3asted hears 3Wasted hYears W3asted Yhears
dasted 6ears dWasted 6Years Wdasted Y6ears easted uears eWasted uYears Weasted Yuears sasted 7ears sWasted 7Years Wsasted Y7ears
2asted jears 2Wasted jYears W2asted Yjears qasted tears qWasted tYears Wqasted Ytears Yeears Wsted Yars Wsated Yaers
Wzsted Ysars Wzasted Ysears Wazsted Yesars Wqsted Y3ars Y3ears Waqsted Ye3ars Wssted Yfars Yfears Wassted Yefars
Wwsted Yrars Wwasted Yrears Wawsted Yerars Wxsted Y4ars Wxasted Y4ears Waxsted Ye4ars Ydars Wated Ydears Watsed Yedars
Wazted Ywars Ywears Waszted Yewars Wawted Yeaars Yers Waswted Yeras Wadted Yezrs Wadsted Yezars Wasdted Yeazrs
Waeted Yeqrs Waested Yeqars Waseted Yeaqrs Waxted Yesrs

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