
all the world loves things of beauty and intrigue
these two things i've never had one
born in this old skin. i'm to sick i can't win
i've lived with this damage too long.
my eyes can't behold it, i cannot control this
this feeling that's left in my heart
i've never done no wrong, i don't deserve these bones
please burn up this sin when i'm gone

and i said that this is ugly to me
the world is ugly to me
you are ugly to me
and i am ugly to me

i haven't become all i want to be
i haven't become anything i need to be
i haven't become all i want to be (suffocate with me)
i haven't become anything i need to be

why can't you look, why can't you look at me
see what i see
why can't you feel, why can't you feel like me
feel what i feel
why can't you hurt, why can't you hurt like me
taste the pain i feel
why must i die, why must i die for you
when it's the ugly truth

well it's ugly
it's making me painless

why can't you look, why can't you look at me
see what i see
why can't you feel, why can't you feel like me
feel what i feel
why can't you hurt, why can't you hurt like me
taste the pain i feel
why must i die, why must i die for you
when it's the ugly truth

well it's ugly

Mirror lyrics:

well it's ugly

when it's the ugly truth
why must i die, why must i die for you
taste the pain i feel
why can't you hurt, why can't you hurt like me
feel what i feel
why can't you feel, why can't you feel like me
see what i see
why can't you look, why can't you look at me

it's making me painless
well it's ugly

when it's the ugly truth
why must i die, why must i die for you
taste the pain i feel
why can't you hurt, why can't you hurt like me
feel what i feel
why can't you feel, why can't you feel like me
see what i see
why can't you look, why can't you look at me

i haven't become anything i need to be
i haven't become all i want to be (suffocate with me)
i haven't become anything i need to be
i haven't become all i want to be

and i am ugly to me
you are ugly to me
the world is ugly to me
and i said that this is ugly to me

please burn up this sin when i'm gone
i've never done no wrong, i don't deserve these bones
this feeling that's left in my heart
my eyes can't behold it, i cannot control this
i've lived with this damage too long.
born in this old skin. i'm to sick i can't win
these two things i've never had one
all the world loves things of beauty and intrigue

Relevant Tags:
UUgly gly gUly hgly hUgly Uhgly 7gly 7Ugly U7gly kgly kUgly
Ukgly igly iUgly Uigly 8gly 8Ugly U8gly jgly jUgly Ujgly ygly
yUgly Uygly Uggly Uly Ulgy Uhly Ughly Uyly Ugyly Ubly Ubgly
Ugbly Uvly Uvgly Ugvly Ufly

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