Change The World

thinking of the mess we made
you became a part of me
Thinking of the wish you made
to break free
Playing you like I can
shoving it in your face
this doesn't break your heart
I'm the one to blame

I never wanted to change your world
I always wanted the simple things
and whatever happens now
it can't be real

Thinking that you might betray
My own private fantasy
I'm the only one that gives
what you need
playing you like I can
Shoving it in your face
if this doesn't tear you apart
I'm the one to blame

[Chorus x2]

Now you're gone
I feel betrayed
You can't blame me
you walked away
Now you're gone
You can't blame me
You walked away

[Chorus x3]

I never wanted to change your world
I always wanted the simple things

Mirror lyrics:

I always wanted the simple things
I never wanted to change your world

[Chorus x3]

You walked away
You can't blame me
Now you're gone
you walked away
You can't blame me
I feel betrayed
Now you're gone

[Chorus x2]

I'm the one to blame
if this doesn't tear you apart
Shoving it in your face
playing you like I can
what you need
I'm the only one that gives
My own private fantasy
Thinking that you might betray

it can't be real
and whatever happens now
I always wanted the simple things
I never wanted to change your world

I'm the one to blame
this doesn't break your heart
shoving it in your face
Playing you like I can
to break free
Thinking of the wish you made
you became a part of me
thinking of the mess we made

Relevant Tags:
CChange TThe WWorld hange he orld hCange hTe oWrld fhange fhe aorld fChange fThe aWorld Cfhange Tfhe Waorld xhange 5he 3orld
xChange 5The 3World Cxhange T5he W3orld vhange hhe dorld vChange hThe dWorld Cvhange Thhe Wdorld dhange yhe eorld dChange yThe eWorld
Cdhange Tyhe Weorld Chhange 6he sorld Cange 6The sWorld Cahnge T6he Wsorld Cjange ghe 2orld Cjhange gThe 2World Chjange Tghe W2orld
Cuange rhe qorld Cuhange rThe qWorld Chuange Trhe Wqorld Cnange Woorld Cnhange Te Wrld Chnange Teh Wrold Cbange Tje Wkrld
Cbhange Tjhe Wkorld Chbange Thje Wokrld Cgange Tue W9rld Cghange Tuhe W9orld Chgange Thue Wo9rld Cyange Tne W0rld Cyhange Tnhe W0orld
Chyange Thne Wo0rld Chaange Tbe Wlrld Chnge Tbhe Wlorld Chnage Thbe Wolrld Chznge Tge Wirld Chzange Wiorld Chaznge Thge Woirld
Chqnge Tye Worrld Chqange Wold Chaqnge Thye Wolrd Chsnge Thee Wodld Chsange Th Wodrld Chasnge The Wordld Chwnge Ths Wo4ld
Chwange Thse Wo4rld Chawnge Thes Wor4ld Chxnge Th3 Wogld Chxange Th3e Wogrld Chaxnge The3 Worgld Channge Thf Wotld Chage Thfe Wotrld

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