Colbie Caillat
Somethin' Special (beijing Olympic Mix)

I found a way to be everything
I've dreamed of,
and I know it's in me
that I will become
who I want to be
and I finially found it and I'm taking the long way out
Cause it's gonna be, something special to me
Something special to me

Days go by
and I grow stronger
It takes time, but I'll never let go
Days go by and I'll try harder to make it mine, I know...
Something special to me
Something special to me
Something special to me

I've found
so many things
I've dreamed of
and I know it's in me
that I will become
who I want to be
and I finially found it and I am taking the long way out
Cause it's gonna be,
something special to me
Something special to me
Days go by and I grow stronger
It takes time, but I'll never let go
Days go by and I'll try harder to make it mine, I know...
It's something special to me

More than I hoped for
More than I dreamed of
This is how it should be.
More than I hoped for
More than I dreamed of
This is how it should be.

Days go by and I'll grow stronger
It takes time, but I'll never let go
Days go by and I'll try harder to make it mine, I know.

It's something special to me
It's something special to me
It's something special to me
Days go by and I grow stronger
It takes time, but I will never let go.
Days go by and I grow stronger
It takes time, but I will never let go.

Mirror lyrics:

It takes time, but I will never let go.
Days go by and I grow stronger
It takes time, but I will never let go.
Days go by and I grow stronger
It's something special to me
It's something special to me
It's something special to me

Days go by and I'll try harder to make it mine, I know.
It takes time, but I'll never let go
Days go by and I'll grow stronger

This is how it should be.
More than I dreamed of
More than I hoped for
This is how it should be.
More than I dreamed of
More than I hoped for

It's something special to me
Days go by and I'll try harder to make it mine, I know...
It takes time, but I'll never let go
Days go by and I grow stronger
Something special to me
something special to me
Cause it's gonna be,
and I finially found it and I am taking the long way out
who I want to be
that I will become
and I know it's in me
I've dreamed of
so many things
I've found

Something special to me
Something special to me
Something special to me
Days go by and I'll try harder to make it mine, I know...
It takes time, but I'll never let go
and I grow stronger
Days go by

Something special to me
Cause it's gonna be, something special to me
and I finially found it and I'm taking the long way out
who I want to be
that I will become
and I know it's in me
I've dreamed of,
I found a way to be everything

Relevant Tags:
SSomethin' SSpecial ((beijing OOlympic MMix) omethin' pecial beijing lympic ix) oSmethin' pSecial b(eijing lOympic iMx)
zomethin' zpecial (bbeijing klympic jix) zSomethin' zSpecial (eijing kOlympic jMix) Szomethin' Szpecial (ebijing Oklympic Mjix)
womethin' wpecial (veijing 9lympic kix) wSomethin' wSpecial (vbeijing 9Olympic kMix) Swomethin' Swpecial (bveijing O9lympic Mkix)
domethin' dpecial (geijing 0lympic nix) dSomethin' dSpecial (gbeijing 0Olympic nMix) Sdomethin' Sdpecial (bgeijing O0lympic Mnix)
eomethin' epecial (neijing llympic Miix) eSomethin' eSpecial (nbeijing lOlympic Mx) Seomethin' Sepecial (bneijing Ollympic Mxi)
xomethin' xpecial (heijing ilympic Mjx) xSomethin' xSpecial (hbeijing iOlympic Sxomethin' Sxpecial (bheijing Oilympic Mijx)
aomethin' apecial (beeijing M9x) aSomethin' aSpecial (bijing Oympic M9ix) Saomethin' Sapecial (biejing Oylmpic Mi9x)
Soomethin' Sppecial (bsijing Okympic Mlx) Smethin' Secial (bseijing Mlix) Smoethin' Sepcial (besijing Olkympic Milx)
Skmethin' S0ecial (b3ijing Ooympic Mox) Skomethin' S0pecial (b3eijing Oolympic Moix) Sokmethin' Sp0ecial (be3ijing Oloympic Miox)
S9methin' Slecial (bfijing Opympic Mkx) S9omethin' Slpecial (bfeijing Oplympic So9methin' Splecial (befijing Olpympic Mikx)
S0methin' Soecial (brijing Olyympic M8x) S0omethin' Sopecial (breijing Olmpic M8ix) So0methin' Spoecial (berijing Olmypic Mi8x)
Slmethin' Speecial (b4ijing Olgmpic Mux) Slomethin' Spcial (b4eijing Olgympic Muix) Solmethin' Spceial (be4ijing Olygmpic Miux)
Simethin' Spscial (bdijing Olhmpic Mixx) Siomethin' Spsecial (bdeijing Olhympic Mi) Soimethin' Spescial (bedijing Olyhmpic Mi)x
Sommethin' Sp3cial (bwijing Ol6mpic Mid) Soethin' Sp3ecial (bweijing Ol6ympic Midx) Soemthin' Spe3cial (bewijing Oly6mpic Mixd)
Sojethin' Spfcial (beiijing Olumpic Miz) Sojmethin' Spfecial (bejing Oluympic Mizx) Somjethin' Spefcial (bejiing Olyumpic Mixz)
Sokethin' Sprcial (bejjing Ol7mpic Mic) Sprecial (bejijing Ol7ympic Micx) Somkethin' Spercial (beijjing Oly7mpic Mixc)
Sonethin' Sp4cial (be9jing Oljmpic Mis) Sonmethin' Sp4ecial (be9ijing Oljympic Misx) Somnethin' Spe4cial (bei9jing Olyjmpic Mixs)
Someethin' Spdcial (beljing Oltmpic Mix)) Somthin' Spdecial (belijing Oltympic Mix Somtehin' Spedcial (beiljing Olytmpic Mix)
Somsthin' Spwcial (beojing Olymmpic Somsethin' Spwecial (beoijing Olypic Somesthin' Spewcial (beiojing Olypmic
Som3thin' Speccial (bekjing Olyjpic Som3ethin' Speial (bekijing Some3thin' Speical (beikjing Olymjpic
Somfthin' Spefial (be8jing Olykpic Somfethin' (be8ijing Olykmpic Somefthin' Specfial (bei8jing Olymkpic
Somrthin' Spexial (beujing Olynpic Somrethin' Spexcial (beuijing Olynmpic Somerthin' Specxial (beiujing Olymnpic
Som4thin' Spevial Olymppic Som4ethin' Spevcial (beiing Olymic Some4thin' Specvial (beiijng Olymipc
Somdthin' Spedial (beiking Olym0ic Somdethin' Olym0pic Somedthin' Specdial (beijking Olymp0ic
Somwthin' Speciial (beiiing Olymlic Somwethin' Specal Olymlpic Somewthin' Specail (beijiing Olymplic
Sometthin' Specjal (beiming Olymoic Somehin' Specjial (beimjing Olymopic

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