Coco Lee
Did You Really Love Me

Did, did you ever love me?
Did, did you really love me?
Did, did you ever love me, really love me? (x3)

My everything you were my world
With you I'll do 'most anything
Just to make you happy, baby
Gave all my heart, gave all my time
My faith in you had me so blind
Never saw the heart break coming

Did you ever really love me?
You played with my feelings
Really should have let me go.
Did you ever really loved me
You kept me in the darkness
Now I am the last to know.

Bridge (x1)

Although she claimed to be my friend
Her mind was on another thing.
It cut me like a knife so deeply.
She knew I was in love with you
Don't understand how she could do
What she did while smiling sweetly.
It was bad enough to be deceived by you
But also by a friend
whose friendship I thought was true.


How could life be so cruel (I heard that life could be cruel)
What you did was so uncool, baby
Why you brought me so much pain? (Why you brought me so much pain?)
You will play me like a game

Chorus (2x)

Bridge Until End

Mirror lyrics:

Bridge Until End

Chorus (2x)

You will play me like a game
Why you brought me so much pain? (Why you brought me so much pain?)
What you did was so uncool, baby
How could life be so cruel (I heard that life could be cruel)


whose friendship I thought was true.
But also by a friend
It was bad enough to be deceived by you
What she did while smiling sweetly.
Don't understand how she could do
She knew I was in love with you
It cut me like a knife so deeply.
Her mind was on another thing.
Although she claimed to be my friend

Bridge (x1)

Now I am the last to know.
You kept me in the darkness
Did you ever really loved me
Really should have let me go.
You played with my feelings
Did you ever really love me?

Never saw the heart break coming
My faith in you had me so blind
Gave all my heart, gave all my time
Just to make you happy, baby
With you I'll do 'most anything
My everything you were my world

Did, did you ever love me, really love me? (x3)
Did, did you really love me?
Did, did you ever love me?

Relevant Tags:
DDid YYou RReally LLove MMe id ou eally ove e iDd oYu eRally oLve eM xid gou deally kove je xDid gYou dReally kLove jMe Dxid Ygou Rdeally Lkove Mje
eid hou 4eally oove ke eDid hYou 4Really oLove kMe Deid Yhou R4eally Loove Mke fid 6ou geally pove ne fDid 6You gReally pLove nMe Dfid Y6ou Rgeally Lpove Mne
rid uou teally Mee rDid uYou tReally Lve M Drid Yuou Rteally Lvoe Me cid 7ou 5eally Lkve Ms cDid 7You 5Really Mse Dcid Y7ou R5eally Lokve Mes
sid jou feally L9ve M3 sDid jYou fReally L9ove M3e Dsid Yjou Rfeally Lo9ve Me3 Diid tou eeally L0ve Mf Dd tYou eReally L0ove Mfe Ddi Ytou Reeally Lo0ve Mef
Djd Yoou Llve Mr Djid Yu Rally Llove Mre Dijd Yuo Raelly Lolve Mer D9d Yku Rsally Live M4 D9id Ykou Rseally Liove M4e Di9d Yoku Resally Loive Me4
Dld Y9u R3ally Lovve Md Dlid Y9ou R3eally Loe Mde Dild Yo9u Re3ally Loev Med Dod Y0u Rfally Lobe Mw Doid Y0ou Lobve Mwe Diod Yo0u Refally Lovbe Mew
Dkd Ylu Rrally Loce Dkid Ylou Rreally Locve Dikd Yolu Rerally Lovce D8d Yiu R4ally Loge D8id Yiou Logve Di8d Yoiu Re4ally Lovge
Dud Youu Rdally Lofe Duid Yo Lofve Diud You Redally Lovfe Didd Yoh Rwally Lovee Di Yohu Rweally Lov Did Youh Rewally Love
Dix Yo7 Reaally Lovs Dixd Yo7u Relly Lovse Didx You7 Relaly Loves

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