Cocoanut Groove
A Dream Of Two Summers

Did I fall asleep under the spruces in the garden?
Because I had the strangest dream & you were there
We walked along an empty riverside at dawn
& you could almost touch a crimson august sky

I knew that I'd been there before
But when I reached out for you
the scene was changed & then
I was on my own again

Next thing I know where in a car towards the south
& I know the song we're singing all too well
It seemed so close but at the same time far away
like the roaring of the sea inside a shell

How did I go from there to here?
I never noticed growing up, up and away
into this hazy shade of gray

When I awoke I felt raindrops on my face
& there were dark clouds piling up across the sky
I didn't know if I was still inside the dream
& for a moment time stood still or so it seemed

I'll flip a coin & if it lands on tails
then I'll stay in these memories forevermore
So drop the coin to the floor

Mirror lyrics:

So drop the coin to the floor
then I'll stay in these memories forevermore
I'll flip a coin & if it lands on tails

& for a moment time stood still or so it seemed
I didn't know if I was still inside the dream
& there were dark clouds piling up across the sky
When I awoke I felt raindrops on my face

into this hazy shade of gray
I never noticed growing up, up and away
How did I go from there to here?

like the roaring of the sea inside a shell
It seemed so close but at the same time far away
& I know the song we're singing all too well
Next thing I know where in a car towards the south

I was on my own again
the scene was changed & then
But when I reached out for you
I knew that I'd been there before

& you could almost touch a crimson august sky
We walked along an empty riverside at dawn
Because I had the strangest dream & you were there
Did I fall asleep under the spruces in the garden?

Relevant Tags:
AA DDream OOf TTwo SSummers ream f wo ummers A rDeam fO wTo uSmmers z xream kf fwo zummers zA xDream kOf fTwo zSummers Az Dxream Okf Tfwo Szummers
q eream 9f 5wo wummers qA eDream 9Of 5Two wSummers Aq Deream O9f T5wo Swummers s fream 0f hwo dummers sA fDream 0Of hTwo dSummers As Dfream O0f Thwo Sdummers
w rream lf ywo eummers wA rDream lOf yTwo eSummers Aw Drream Olf Tywo Seummers x cream if 6wo xummers xA cDream iOf 6Two xSummers Ax Dcream Oif T6wo Sxummers
sream Off gwo aummers sDream O gTwo aSummers Dsream Of Tgwo Saummers Oc rwo Suummers Deam Ocf rTwo Smmers Deram Ofc Trwo Smumers
Ddeam Or Twwo Shmmers Ddream Orf To Shummers Drdeam Ofr Tow Suhmmers D4eam Og Tao S7mmers D4ream Ogf Tawo S7ummers Dr4eam Ofg Twao Su7mmers
Dgeam Ot T3o Skmmers Dgream Otf T3wo Skummers Drgeam Oft Tw3o Sukmmers Dteam Ov Tdo Simmers Dtream Ovf Tdwo Siummers Drteam Ofv Twdo Suimmers
D5eam Od Teo S8mmers D5ream Odf Tewo S8ummers Dr5eam Ofd Tweo Su8mmers Dfeam Tso Sjmmers Tswo Sjummers Drfeam Twso Sujmmers
Deeam T2o Symmers T2wo Syummers Dreeam Tw2o Suymmers Tqo Summmers Dram Tqwo Sumers Draem Twqo Summers
Drsam Twoo Sujmers Drseam Tw Dresam Two Sumjmers Dr3am Twk Sukmers Dr3eam Twko Dre3am Twok Sumkmers
Drfam Tw9 Sunmers Tw9o Sunmmers Drefam Two9 Sumnmers Drram Tw0 Tw0o Dreram Two0 Sumemrs
Dr4am Twl Sumjers Twlo

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