Crabb Family
I Sure Miss You

If life could only bring again, the days I took for granted when
To hear your voice was just a call away
Oh what I'd give for just some time,
to say the things that slipped my mind
There's so much now I'd really like to say
But I can never go back when we did the things we did back then
I'll store those precious memories in my mind
I'll take what you've instilled in me; I'll try to be all I can be
And walk the path that you have left behind

I sure miss you; life will never be the same with you not here
Each passing day has brought much pain
But with God's grace my strength remains
I sure miss you, but heaven's sweeter with you there

The little things that seemed so small are now gold in a memory vault
I cherish every one I have of you
Now I can see and recognize the part you played to shape my life
I often see you in the things I do
In God's design and master plan He saw the hurting hearts of man
As we would say goodbye to those so dear
So with our family and friends we'll be together once again
We'll view all heaven's splendor hand in hand

Words and Music by Gerald Crabb

Mirror lyrics:

Words and Music by Gerald Crabb

We'll view all heaven's splendor hand in hand
So with our family and friends we'll be together once again
As we would say goodbye to those so dear
In God's design and master plan He saw the hurting hearts of man
I often see you in the things I do
Now I can see and recognize the part you played to shape my life
I cherish every one I have of you
The little things that seemed so small are now gold in a memory vault

I sure miss you, but heaven's sweeter with you there
But with God's grace my strength remains
Each passing day has brought much pain
I sure miss you; life will never be the same with you not here

And walk the path that you have left behind
I'll take what you've instilled in me; I'll try to be all I can be
I'll store those precious memories in my mind
But I can never go back when we did the things we did back then
There's so much now I'd really like to say
to say the things that slipped my mind
Oh what I'd give for just some time,
To hear your voice was just a call away
If life could only bring again, the days I took for granted when

Relevant Tags:
II SSure MMiss YYou ure iss ou I uSre iMss oYu j zure jiss gou jI zSure jMiss gYou Ij Szure Mjiss Ygou 9 wure kiss hou
9I wSure kMiss hYou I9 Swure Mkiss Yhou l dure niss 6ou lI dSure nMiss 6You Il Sdure Mniss Y6ou o eure Miiss uou oI eSure Mss uYou
Io Seure Msis Yuou k xure Mjss 7ou kI xSure 7You Ik Sxure Mijss Y7ou 8 aure M9ss jou 8I aSure M9iss jYou I8 Saure Mi9ss Yjou
u Suure Mlss tou uI Sre Mliss tYou Iu Srue Milss Ytou Shre Moss Yoou Shure Moiss Yu Suhre Mioss Yuo S7re Mkss Yku
S7ure Ykou Su7re Mikss Yoku Skre M8ss Y9u Skure M8iss Y9ou Sukre Mi8ss Yo9u Sire Muss Y0u Siure Muiss Y0ou
Suire Miuss Yo0u S8re Misss Ylu S8ure Mis Ylou Su8re Miss Yolu Sjre Mizs Yiu Sjure Mizss Yiou Sujre Miszs Yoiu
Syre Miws Youu Syure Miwss Yo

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