Cradle Of Filth
A Dream Of Wolves In The Snow

Ah, listen to them....
The children of the night
What sweet music they make

May dreams be brought
That I might reach
The gentle strains
Of midnight speech
And frozen stars
That gild the forest floor

Through the swirling snow
Volkh's children come
To run with me
To hunt as one
To snatch the lambs of Christ
From where they fall

From where they fall

Mirror lyrics:

From where they fall

From where they fall
To snatch the lambs of Christ
To hunt as one
To run with me
Volkh's children come
Through the swirling snow

That gild the forest floor
And frozen stars
Of midnight speech
The gentle strains
That I might reach
May dreams be brought

What sweet music they make
The children of the night
Ah, listen to them....

Relevant Tags:
AA DDream OOf WWolves IIn TThe SSnow ream f olves n he now A rDeam fO oWlves nI hTe nSow z xream kf aolves jn fhe znow zA xDream kOf aWolves jIn fThe zSnow
Az Dxream Okf Waolves Ijn Tfhe Sznow q eream 9f 3olves 9n 5he wnow qA eDream 9Of 3Wolves 9In 5The wSnow Aq Deream O9f W3olves I9n T5he Swnow s fream 0f dolves ln hhe dnow
sA fDream 0Of dWolves lIn hThe dSnow As Dfream O0f Wdolves Iln Thhe Sdnow w rream lf eolves on yhe enow wA rDream lOf eWolves oIn yThe eSnow Aw Drream Olf Weolves Ion Tyhe Senow
x cream if solves kn 6he xnow xA cDream iOf sWolves kIn 6The xSnow Ax Dcream Oif Wsolves Ikn T6he Sxnow sream Off 2olves 8n ghe anow sDream O 2Wolves 8In gThe aSnow
Dsream Of W2olves I8n Tghe Sanow Oc qolves un rhe Snnow Deam Ocf qWolves uIn rThe Sow Deram Ofc Wqolves Iun Trhe Sonw Ddeam Or Woolves Inn Smow
Ddream Orf Wlves I Te Smnow Drdeam Ofr Wloves In Teh Snmow D4eam Og Wklves Im Tje Show D4ream Ogf Wkolves Imn Tjhe Shnow Dr4eam Ofg Woklves Inm Thje Snhow
Dgeam Ot W9lves Ih Tue Sjow Dgream Otf W9olves Ihn Tuhe Sjnow Drgeam Oft Wo9lves Inh Thue Snjow Dteam Ov W0lves Ij Tne Sbow Dtream Ovf W0olves Tnhe Sbnow
Drteam Ofv Wo0lves Inj Thne Snbow D5eam Od Wllves Ib Tbe Snoow D5ream Odf Wlolves Ibn Tbhe Snw Dr5eam Ofd Wollves Inb Thbe Snwo Dfeam Wilves Tge Snkw
Wiolves Snkow Drfeam Woilves Thge Snokw Deeam Tye Sn9w Woves Sn9ow Dreeam Wovles Thye Sno9w
Wokves Thee Sn0w Dram Th Sn0ow Draem Wolkves The Sno0w Drsam Wooves Ths Snlw Drseam Thse Snlow
Dresam Woloves Thes Snolw Dr3am Wopves Th3 Sniw Dr3eam Woplves Th3e Sniow

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