Coal Chamber
Empty Jar

Godless lot it's not a lot
But it's my lot in life
No fear is my weakness I hear
When faith has been denied

Godless lot it's not a lot
But it's my lot in life
No fear is my weakness I hear
When faith has been denied

Same as yesterday, confused

Walking through sticks using
Walking sticks
I've stuck to this song
What I feel is so hard to deal
So I say so long

Walking through sticks using
Walking sticks
I've stuck to this song
What I feel is so hard to deal
So I say so long

Same as yesterday, confused

Mine is the empty jar, the empty!!

What you see
Isn't always, isn't always
And what you believe
Isn't always, isn't always

Mine is the empty jar, the empty!!

What you see
Isn't always, isn't always
And what you believe
Isn't always, isn't always

Mirror lyrics:

Isn't always, isn't always
And what you believe
Isn't always, isn't always
What you see

Mine is the empty jar, the empty!!

Isn't always, isn't always
And what you believe
Isn't always, isn't always
What you see

Mine is the empty jar, the empty!!

Same as yesterday, confused

So I say so long
What I feel is so hard to deal
I've stuck to this song
Walking sticks
Walking through sticks using

So I say so long
What I feel is so hard to deal
I've stuck to this song
Walking sticks
Walking through sticks using

Same as yesterday, confused

When faith has been denied
No fear is my weakness I hear
But it's my lot in life
Godless lot it's not a lot

When faith has been denied
No fear is my weakness I hear
But it's my lot in life
Godless lot it's not a lot

Relevant Tags:
EEmpty JJar mpty ar mEpty aJr smpty kar sEmpty kJar Esmpty Jkar 3mpty iar 3Empty iJar E3mpty Jiar fmpty mar fEmpty mJar
Efmpty Jmar rmpty nar rEmpty nJar Ermpty Jnar 4mpty har 4Empty hJar E4mpty Jhar dmpty uar dEmpty uJar Edmpty Juar wmpty Jaar
wEmpty Jr Ewmpty Jra Emmpty Jzr Epty Jzar Epmty Jazr Ejpty Jqr Ejmpty Jqar Emjpty Jaqr Ekpty Jsr Ekmpty Jsar Emkpty Jasr
Enpty Jwr Enmpty Jwar Emnpty Jawr Emppty Jxr Emty Jxar Emtpy Jaxr Em0ty Jarr Em0pty Ja Emp0ty Jar Emlty Jad Emlpty Jadr
Emplty Jard Emoty Ja4

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