Impetus (demo)

Justification, the means are the end
Doctrine and dogma, I will not relent
This world a garden in need of such weeding
This world a minefield in need of such sweeping

This ministration without full consent
Fire and brimstone, I will not relent
Just as all good things must come to an end
I will administer as I see fit
I will not relent
I will not relent
I will not relent
I am driven


I am driven

Mirror lyrics:

I am driven


I am driven
I will not relent
I will not relent
I will not relent
I will administer as I see fit
Just as all good things must come to an end
Fire and brimstone, I will not relent
This ministration without full consent

This world a minefield in need of such sweeping
This world a garden in need of such weeding
Doctrine and dogma, I will not relent
Justification, the means are the end

Relevant Tags:
IImpetus ((demo) mpetus demo) mIpetus d(emo) jmpetus (ddemo) jImpetus (emo) Ijmpetus (edmo) 9mpetus (xemo) 9Impetus (xdemo)
I9mpetus (dxemo) lmpetus (eemo) lImpetus (edemo) Ilmpetus (deemo) ompetus (femo) oImpetus (fdemo) Iompetus (dfemo) kmpetus (remo)
kImpetus (rdemo) Ikmpetus (dremo) 8mpetus (cemo) 8Impetus (cdemo) I8mpetus (dcemo) umpetus (semo) uImpetus (sdemo) Iumpetus (dsemo)
Immpetus Ipetus (dmo) Ipmetus (dmeo) Ijpetus (dsmo) Imjpetus (desmo) Ikpetus (d3mo) (d3emo) Imkpetus (de3mo)
Inpetus (dfmo) Inmpetus Imnpetus (defmo) Imppetus (drmo) Imetus Imeptus (dermo) Im0etus (d4mo) Im0petus (d4emo)
Imp0etus (de4mo) Imletus (ddmo) Imlpetus Impletus (dedmo) Imoetus (dwmo) Imopetus (dwemo) Impoetus (dewmo) Impeetus (demmo)
Imptus (deo) Impteus (deom) Impstus (dejo) Impsetus (dejmo) Impestus (demjo) Imp3tus (deko) Imp3etus (dekmo) Impe3tus (demko)
Impftus (deno) Impfetus (denmo) Impeftus (demno) Imprtus (demoo) Impretus (dem) Impertus (dem)o Imp4tus (demk) Imp4etus
Impe4tus (demok) Impdtus (dem9) Impdetus (dem9o)

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