Club 8
What Shall We Do Next

you were far from me but i could
hear every word you spoke
same words over and over
what do we get for our trouble and pain?

we want someone to long for
we want them here
all we can strive for
we want it now
and when it's here
we don't know what to do next

you would keep an open mind
but even i had to laugh
you sell your story over and over
changing names of places and friends

as you stay put on your side
we don't say you're foolish or proud
lean on us to take you out
or push you wherever feels right

we want someone to long for
we want them here
all we can strive for
we want it now
and when it's here
we don't know what to do next

Mirror lyrics:

we don't know what to do next
and when it's here
we want it now
all we can strive for
we want them here
we want someone to long for

or push you wherever feels right
lean on us to take you out
we don't say you're foolish or proud
as you stay put on your side

changing names of places and friends
you sell your story over and over
but even i had to laugh
you would keep an open mind

we don't know what to do next
and when it's here
we want it now
all we can strive for
we want them here
we want someone to long for

what do we get for our trouble and pain?
same words over and over
hear every word you spoke
you were far from me but i could

Relevant Tags:
WWhat SShall WWe DDo NNext hat hall e o ext hWat hSall eW oD eNxt ahat zhall ae xo mext aWhat zShall aWe xDo mNext Wahat Szhall Wae Dxo Nmext
3hat whall 3e eo hext 3What wShall 3We eDo hNext W3hat Swhall W3e Deo Nhext dhat dhall de fo jext dWhat dShall dWe fDo jNext Wdhat Sdhall Wde Dfo Njext
ehat ehall ee ro bext eWhat eShall eWe rDo bNext Wehat Sehall Wee Dro Nbext shat xhall se co Neext sWhat xShall sWe cDo Nxt Wshat Sxhall Wse Dco Nxet
2hat ahall 2e so Nsxt 2What aShall 2We sDo Nsext W2hat Sahall W2e Dso Nesxt qhat Shhall qe Doo N3xt qWhat Sall qWe D N3ext Wqhat Sahll Wqe Do Ne3xt
Whhat Sjall Dk Nfxt Wat Sjhall W Dko Nfext Waht Shjall We Dok Nefxt Wjat Suall Ws D9 Nrxt Wjhat Suhall D9o Nrext Whjat Shuall Wes Do9 Nerxt
Wuat Snall W3 D0 N4xt Wuhat Snhall D0o N4ext Whuat Shnall We3 Do0 Ne4xt Wnat Sball Wf Dl Ndxt Wnhat Sbhall Wfe Dlo Ndext Whnat Shball Wef Dol Nedxt
Wbat Sgall Wr Di Nwxt Wbhat Sghall Wre Dio Nwext Whbat Shgall Wer Doi Newxt Wgat Syall W4 Nexxt Wghat Syhall W4e Net Whgat Shyall We4 Netx
Wyat Shaall Wd Nedt Wyhat Shll

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