Crystal Lewis

Dirty devices, divide and devise
A plan to diminish our creative minds
Distorting our views, of ourselves and our minds
Destructive dirty devices
Destructive dirty devices

We are more than we know
We are more than we know
We are meant for more than this world would suppose
We are more than we know

I believe in all things spiritual
That God is in this place
Always watching, guiding,
Knowing what the look on my face means
Knowing every thought before I think it and it's gone
Knowing each word I'm gonna say before it rolls off my tongue
Knowing each word I'm gonna say before it rolls off my tongue


Listen and let go, You will hear and know
You'll see and believe, You can walk on water

written by Ray Brian, Crystal Lewis

Mirror lyrics:

written by Ray Brian, Crystal Lewis

You'll see and believe, You can walk on water
Listen and let go, You will hear and know


Knowing each word I'm gonna say before it rolls off my tongue
Knowing each word I'm gonna say before it rolls off my tongue
Knowing every thought before I think it and it's gone
Knowing what the look on my face means
Always watching, guiding,
That God is in this place
I believe in all things spiritual

We are more than we know
We are meant for more than this world would suppose
We are more than we know
We are more than we know

Destructive dirty devices
Destructive dirty devices
Distorting our views, of ourselves and our minds
A plan to diminish our creative minds
Dirty devices, divide and devise

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