Crystal Lewis
Enter In By The Gate

Enter in by the gate
Enter in by the narrow gate
For only few will ever find it
Enter in by the gate
Enter in by the narrow gate
For few are those who will ever find it

Simplicity, the quickest way
Just do the right thing yea
Does she believe in what she cannot see
She does but only half heartedly
I've heard some say that Jesus lives
I've heard some say that He's not coming back
My friend today I stand convinced for sure
I'm gonna head on down the narrow way

In our world today
Where evil reigns
We fight against powers unseen
Regardless of your color or creed
Jesus came to set your soul at peace
Now the father says come follow me
Please don't go away grieved
The time has come to choose
Don't hesitate
Won't you come with me on down the narrow way


Mirror lyrics:


Won't you come with me on down the narrow way
Don't hesitate
The time has come to choose
Please don't go away grieved
Now the father says come follow me
Jesus came to set your soul at peace
Regardless of your color or creed
We fight against powers unseen
Where evil reigns
In our world today

I'm gonna head on down the narrow way
My friend today I stand convinced for sure
I've heard some say that He's not coming back
I've heard some say that Jesus lives
She does but only half heartedly
Does she believe in what she cannot see
Just do the right thing yea
Simplicity, the quickest way

For few are those who will ever find it
Enter in by the narrow gate
Enter in by the gate
For only few will ever find it
Enter in by the narrow gate
Enter in by the gate

Relevant Tags:
EEnter IIn BBy TThe GGate nter n y he ate nEter nI yB hTe aGte snter jn vy fhe hate sEnter jIn vBy fThe hGate Esnter Ijn Bvy Tfhe Ghate
3nter 9n gy 5he yate 3Enter 9In gBy 5The yGate E3nter I9n Bgy T5he Gyate fnter ln ny hhe bate fEnter lIn nBy hThe bGate Efnter Iln Bny Thhe Gbate
rnter on hy yhe vate rEnter oIn hBy yThe vGate Ernter Ion Bhy Tyhe Gvate 4nter kn Byy 6he fate 4Enter kIn B 6The fGate E4nter Ikn By T6he Gfate
dnter 8n Bg ghe tate dEnter 8In gThe tGate Ednter I8n Byg Tghe Gtate wnter un Bh rhe Gaate wEnter uIn rThe Gte Ewnter Iun Byh Trhe Gtae
Ennter Inn B6 Gzte Eter I B6y Te Gzate Etner In By6 Teh Gazte Emter Im Bu Tje Gqte Emnter Imn Buy Tjhe Gqate Enmter Inm Byu Thje Gaqte
Ehter Ih B7 Tue Gste Ehnter Ihn B7y Tuhe Gsate Enhter Inh By7 Thue Gaste Ejter Ij Bj Tne Gwte Ejnter Bjy Tnhe Gwate Enjter Inj Byj Thne Gawte
Ebter Ib Bt Tbe Gxte Ebnter Ibn Bty Tbhe Gxate Enbter Inb Byt Thbe Gaxte Entter Tge Gatte Ener Gae Enetr Thge Gaet
Enfer Tye Gafe Enfter Gafte Entfer Thye Gatfe En5er Thee Ga5e En5ter Th Ga5te Ent5er The Gat5e
Enher Ths Gahe Thse Gahte Enther Thes Gathe Enyer Th3 Gaye

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