Crystal Kovach

Today I'll run away
Run away and leave me behind
Become an armored heart
I've played the little fool for the last time

I'm just a poor design, I give up all the time
I feel my hands clench now it's fight or flight

Goodbye to good enough
Goodbye to playing rough
Goodbye to all this, I've had enough

How did I end up
end up so fragile and shy
Relegated to the sidelines
I smile and say alright, I only wanna try one time

I fill up on fear, but that ends right here
I've held my tongue long enough for one lifetime


Mirror lyrics:


I've held my tongue long enough for one lifetime
I fill up on fear, but that ends right here

I smile and say alright, I only wanna try one time
Relegated to the sidelines
end up so fragile and shy
How did I end up

Goodbye to all this, I've had enough
Goodbye to playing rough
Goodbye to good enough

I feel my hands clench now it's fight or flight
I'm just a poor design, I give up all the time

I've played the little fool for the last time
Become an armored heart
Run away and leave me behind
Today I'll run away

Relevant Tags:
GGoodbye oodbye oGodbye hoodbye hGoodbye Ghoodbye yoodbye yGoodbye Gyoodbye boodbye bGoodbye
Gboodbye voodbye vGoodbye Gvoodbye foodbye fGoodbye Gfoodbye toodbye tGoodbye Gtoodbye Gooodbye
Godbye Goodbye Gkodbye Gkoodbye Gokodbye G9odbye G9oodbye Go9odbye G0odbye G0oodbye Go0odbye
Glodbye Gloodbye Golodbye Giodbye Gioodbye Goiodbye Godobye Gokdbye Gookdbye Go9dbye Goo9dbye
Go0dbye Goo0dbye Goldbye Gooldbye Goidbye Gooidbye Gooddbye Goobye Goobdye Gooxbye Gooxdbye
Goodxbye Gooebye Gooedbye Goodebye

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