Crystal Bernard
If You Have Love

Friends, I've had a few
Lovers too, they come and go
I've wasted time chasing dreams
Aquiring things, too young to know

That if you have heart
You'll find gold
If you have strength
You'll have control
If you have faith
You'll stand tall
But if you have love
You have it all

I've had a taste of sweet success
It's good at best if you're not alone
I came so close to a dream come true
When I held you I should have known

That if you have heart
You'll find gold
If you have strength
You'll have control
If you have faith
You'll stand tall
But if you have love
You have it all

If you have heart
You'll find gold
If you have strength
You'll have control
If you have faith
You'll stand tall
But if you have love
You have it all

Oh, if you have love
You have it all

Mirror lyrics:

You have it all
Oh, if you have love

You have it all
But if you have love
You'll stand tall
If you have faith
You'll have control
If you have strength
You'll find gold
If you have heart

You have it all
But if you have love
You'll stand tall
If you have faith
You'll have control
If you have strength
You'll find gold
That if you have heart

When I held you I should have known
I came so close to a dream come true
It's good at best if you're not alone
I've had a taste of sweet success

You have it all
But if you have love
You'll stand tall
If you have faith
You'll have control
If you have strength
You'll find gold
That if you have heart

Aquiring things, too young to know
I've wasted time chasing dreams
Lovers too, they come and go
Friends, I've had a few

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou HHave LLove f ou ave ove fI oYu aHve oLve jf gou jave kove jIf gYou jHave kLove Ijf Ygou Hjave Lkove 9f hou uave oove
9If hYou uHave oLove I9f Yhou Huave Loove lf 6ou nave pove lIf 6You nHave pLove Ilf Y6ou Hnave Lpove of uou bave oIf uYou bHave Lve
Iof Yuou Hbave Lvoe kf 7ou gave Lkve kIf 7You gHave Ikf Y7ou Hgave Lokve 8f jou yave L9ve 8If jYou yHave L9ove I8f Yjou Hyave Lo9ve
uf tou Haave L0ve uIf tYou Hve L0ove Iuf Ytou Hvae Lo0ve Iff Yoou Hzve Llve I Yu Hzave Llove If Yuo Hazve Lolve Ic Yku Hqve Live
Icf Ykou Hqave Liove Ifc Yoku Haqve Loive Ir Y9u Hsve Lovve Irf Y9ou Hsave Loe Ifr Yo9u Hasve Loev Ig Y0u Hwve Lobe Igf Y0ou Hwave Lobve
Ifg Yo0u Hawve Lovbe It Ylu Hxve Loce Itf Ylou Hxave Locve Ift Yolu Haxve Lovce

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