Slit Your Guts

Pardon, please, the narrow
Confinement of your limbs;
Unfortunately, it's necessary
For your correction;
Shriek to your heart's
Content, if you wish,
I promise you pain and
Nightmares, in that sequence.

Permit me to introduce you to "Tuesday";
I favor her, this pretty blade
So tall and fine;
Hatred and violence are not
Our ways, but firm we are;
Squirming is useless, so is this
Colon, cry for me.

Svelte is implement,
Its gentle caress lets you Bleed;
its subtle curvature
Dancing, deeply slit your guts.

It's for your own good;
You need guidance, I provide;
What is your pleasure? This is
Mine; A welcome change!

Mirror lyrics:

Mine; A welcome change!
What is your pleasure? This is
You need guidance, I provide;
It's for your own good;

Dancing, deeply slit your guts.
its subtle curvature
Its gentle caress lets you Bleed;
Svelte is implement,

Colon, cry for me.
Squirming is useless, so is this
Our ways, but firm we are;
Hatred and violence are not
So tall and fine;
I favor her, this pretty blade
Permit me to introduce you to "Tuesday";

Nightmares, in that sequence.
I promise you pain and
Content, if you wish,
Shriek to your heart's
For your correction;
Unfortunately, it's necessary
Confinement of your limbs;
Pardon, please, the narrow

Relevant Tags:
SSlit YYour GGuts lit our uts lSit oYur uGts zlit gour huts zSlit gYour hGuts Szlit Ygour Ghuts wlit hour yuts wSlit hYour yGuts
Swlit Yhour Gyuts dlit 6our buts dSlit 6Your bGuts Sdlit Y6our Gbuts elit uour vuts eSlit uYour vGuts Selit Yuour Gvuts xlit 7our futs
xSlit 7Your fGuts Sxlit Y7our Gfuts alit jour tuts aSlit jYour tGuts Salit Yjour Gtuts Sllit tour Guuts Sit tYour Gts Silt Ytour Gtus
Skit Yoour Ghts Sklit Yur Slkit Yuor Guhts Soit Ykur G7ts Solit Ykour G7uts Sloit Yokur Gu7ts Spit Y9ur Gkts Split Y9our Gkuts
Slpit Yo9ur Gukts Sliit Y0ur Gits Slt Y0our Giuts Slti Yo0ur Guits Sljt Ylur G8ts Sljit Ylour G8uts Slijt Yolur Gu8ts Sl9t Yiur Gjts
Sl9it Yiour Gjuts Sli9t Yoiur Gujts Sllt Youur Gyts Yor

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