
Rolling back towards the continent
instrumental forces die
save excitement for line behavior
signal shifting to enter flight

my back is burning
in the heat of the atmosphere
my engine roars
and the throttle cries
I'm now pulling on my navigation
bringing me down out of the sky

I've seen the face
It seems they've always been here
ten thousand years tonight
copy Houston, request location
signal over...Satellite

The madness creeping
with system failure
the image scatters
and the comlink fades
the red planet below me hungry
the red planet below me waits



(The Satellite Explodes)

Transmission Over.

Mirror lyrics:

Transmission Over.

(The Satellite Explodes)



the red planet below me waits
the red planet below me hungry
and the comlink fades
the image scatters
with system failure
The madness creeping

signal over...Satellite
copy Houston, request location
ten thousand years tonight
It seems they've always been here
I've seen the face

bringing me down out of the sky
I'm now pulling on my navigation
and the throttle cries
my engine roars
in the heat of the atmosphere
my back is burning

signal shifting to enter flight
save excitement for line behavior
instrumental forces die
Rolling back towards the continent

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