Current 93
All The Pretty Little Horses

Don't you cry
Go to sleepy little baby
Go to sleepy little baby
When you wake
You shall have
All the pretty little horsies
All the pretty little horsies

Blacks and bays
Dapples and greys
All the pretty little horsies

Way down yonder
In the meadow
Lies a poor little lamby
Bees and butterflies
Flitting round his eyes
Poor little thing is crying

Go to sleep
Don't you cry
Rest your head upon the clover
Rest your head upon the clover
In your dreams
You shall ride
Whilst your mammy's watching over

Blacks and bays
Dapples and greys
All the pretty little horsies

All the pretty little horsies
All the pretty little horsies
All the pretty little horsies

Mirror lyrics:

All the pretty little horsies
All the pretty little horsies
All the pretty little horsies

All the pretty little horsies
Dapples and greys
Blacks and bays

Whilst your mammy's watching over
You shall ride
In your dreams
Rest your head upon the clover
Rest your head upon the clover
Don't you cry
Go to sleep

Poor little thing is crying
Flitting round his eyes
Bees and butterflies
Lies a poor little lamby
In the meadow
Way down yonder

All the pretty little horsies
Dapples and greys
Blacks and bays

All the pretty little horsies
All the pretty little horsies
You shall have
When you wake
Go to sleepy little baby
Go to sleepy little baby
Don't you cry

Relevant Tags:
AAll TThe PPretty LLittle HHorses ll he retty ittle orses lAl hTe rPetty iLttle oHrses zll fhe 0retty kittle jorses zAll fThe 0Pretty kLittle jHorses
Azll Tfhe P0retty Lkittle Hjorses qll 5he lretty oittle uorses qAll 5The lPretty oLittle uHorses Aqll T5he Plretty Loittle Huorses sll hhe oretty pittle norses
sAll hThe oPretty pLittle nHorses Asll Thhe Poretty Lpittle Hnorses wll yhe Prretty Liittle borses wAll yThe Petty Lttle bHorses Awll Tyhe Pertty Ltitle Hborses
xll 6he Pdetty Ljttle gorses xAll 6The Pdretty Ljittle gHorses Axll T6he Prdetty Lijttle Hgorses Alll ghe P4etty L9ttle yorses Al gThe P4retty L9ittle yHorses
All Tghe Pr4etty Li9ttle Hyorses Akl rhe Pgetty Llttle Hoorses Akll rThe Pgretty Llittle Hrses Alkl Trhe Prgetty Lilttle Hroses Aol Ptetty Lottle Hkrses
Aoll Te Ptretty Hkorses Alol Teh Prtetty Liottle Hokrses Apl Tje P5etty Lkttle H9rses Apll Tjhe P5retty H9orses Alpl Thje Pr5etty Likttle Ho9rses
Tue Pfetty L8ttle H0rses Tuhe Pfretty L8ittle H0orses Thue Prfetty Li8ttle Ho0rses Alk Tne Peetty Luttle Hlrses Tnhe Peretty Luittle Hlorses
Allk Thne Preetty Liuttle Holrses Alo Tbe Litttle Hirses Tbhe Prtty Litle Hiorses Allo Thbe Prtety Little Hoirses Alp Tge Prstty Liftle Horrses
Prsetty Lifttle Hoses Allp Thge Prestty Litftle Hosres Tye Pr3tty Li5tle Hodses Pr3etty Li5ttle Hodrses Thye Pre3tty Lit5tle Hordses
Thee Prftty Lihtle Ho4ses Th Lihttle Ho4rses The Preftty Lithtle Hor4ses Ths Prrtty Liytle Hogses Thse Liyttle Hogrses
Thes Prertty Litytle Horgses Th3 Pr4tty Li6tle Hotses Th3e Li6ttle Hotrses The3 Pre4tty Lit6tle Hortses Thf Prdtty Ligtle Ho5ses
Thfe Ligttle Ho5rses Thef Predtty Litgtle Hor5ses Thr Prwtty Lirtle Hofses Thre Prwetty Lirttle Hofrses Ther Prewtty Litrtle Horfses

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