Culture Club
Unfortunate Thing

Breaking out of school
Ain't really fooling no one
I was sure I'd get my reward in time
Backing uo the street
With the smell of sweet sensation
Didn't want to be another dime
Hidden in the pocket
Of some unfortunate nation
Didn't have no money, sure didn't have the time

Unfortunate thing, such an unfortunate thing
Unfortunate thing, such an unfortunate thing
But I fought with nothing
But I fought with nothing

Laughing at the rumor
That you've been screwing someone
Laugh better cry
It could be your turn next time
Brother what a lover beyond the fourth dimesion
He's got an ego
That's bigger than yours and mine


Don't call me bwana
Let it settle in your heart
We move from children
Into a business counterpart
Your head was shaking as I walked into the room
A spirit breaking
That's why I feel this way

Breaking out of school
Ain't really fooling no one
I was sure I'd get my reward in time
Backing up a street
With a smell of sweet sensation
Didn't want to be another dime


Mirror lyrics:


Didn't want to be another dime
With a smell of sweet sensation
Backing up a street
I was sure I'd get my reward in time
Ain't really fooling no one
Breaking out of school

That's why I feel this way
A spirit breaking
Your head was shaking as I walked into the room
Into a business counterpart
We move from children
Let it settle in your heart
Don't call me bwana


That's bigger than yours and mine
He's got an ego
Brother what a lover beyond the fourth dimesion
It could be your turn next time
Laugh better cry
That you've been screwing someone
Laughing at the rumor

But I fought with nothing
But I fought with nothing
Unfortunate thing, such an unfortunate thing
Unfortunate thing, such an unfortunate thing

Didn't have no money, sure didn't have the time
Of some unfortunate nation
Hidden in the pocket
Didn't want to be another dime
With the smell of sweet sensation
Backing uo the street
I was sure I'd get my reward in time
Ain't really fooling no one
Breaking out of school

Relevant Tags:
UUnfortunate TThing nfortunate hing nUfortunate hTing hnfortunate fhing hUnfortunate fThing Uhnfortunate Tfhing
7nfortunate 5hing 7Unfortunate 5Thing U7nfortunate T5hing knfortunate hhing kUnfortunate hThing Uknfortunate Thhing
infortunate yhing iUnfortunate yThing Uinfortunate Tyhing 8nfortunate 6hing 8Unfortunate 6Thing U8nfortunate T6hing
jnfortunate ghing jUnfortunate gThing Ujnfortunate Tghing ynfortunate rhing yUnfortunate rThing Uynfortunate Trhing
Unnfortunate Ufortunate Ting Ufnortunate Tihng Umfortunate Tjing Umnfortunate Tjhing Unmfortunate Thjing
Uhfortunate Tuing Tuhing Unhfortunate Thuing Ujfortunate Tning Tnhing Unjfortunate Thning
Ubfortunate Tbing Ubnfortunate Tbhing Unbfortunate Thbing Unffortunate Tging Unortunate Unofrtunate Thging
Uncortunate Tying Uncfortunate Unfcortunate Thying Unrortunate Thiing Unrfortunate Thng Unfrortunate Thnig
Ungortunate Thjng Ungfortunate Unfgortunate Thijng Untortunate Th9ng Untfortunate Th9ing Unftortunate Thi9ng
Unvortunate Thlng Unvfortunate Thling Unfvortunate Thilng Undortunate Thong Undfortunate Thoing Unfdortunate Thiong
Unfoortunate Thkng Unfrtunate Thking Unfrotunate Thikng Unfkrtunate Th8ng Unfkortunate Th8ing Unfokrtunate Thi8ng
Unf9rtunate Thung Unf9ortunate Unfo9rtunate Thiung Unf0rtunate Thinng Unf0ortunate Thig Unfo0rtunate Thign
Unflrtunate Thimg Unflortunate Thimng Unfolrtunate Thinmg Unfirtunate Thihg Unfiortunate Thihng Unfoirtunate Thinhg
Unforrtunate Thijg Unfotunate Unfotrunate Thinjg Unfodtunate Thibg Unfodrtunate Thibng Unfordtunate Thinbg
Unfo4tunate Thingg Unfo4rtunate Thin Unfor4tunate Thing Unfogtunate Thinh Unfogrtunate Unforgtunate Thingh
Unfottunate Thiny Unfotrtunate Thinyg Unforttunate Thingy Unfo5tunate Thinb Unfo5rtunate Unfor5tunate Thingb
Unfoftunate Thinv Unfofrtunate Thinvg Unforftunate Thingv Unfoetunate Thinf Unfoertunate Thinfg Unforetunate Thingf
Thint Unforunate Thintg Unforutnate Thingt Unforfunate Unfortfunate Unfor5unate

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