Culture Beat
Crying In The Rain

Stop, you breathe you lie
Loops got ya lost I can't hear ya
Treason took a try
Desperate drown in dirty things
Juvenile Jazz you hide
Can't loose no love from day I shared
Faint twinkle in your eyes
Weary from how you earn your things
You slip from sliding
Slowly, slither, sneaky
Simple for a snake
Poser in pursuit of passion
Can't rush my quiver fake a quake
Betrayer, disarrayer,
Leave a soft one frying in the pain
Deceitful, full of that
Couldn't care less if you're crying in the rain

Stop that crying
Stop that lying
It's boring me
I don't wanna spend my time with you
Stop to think
That once you brought me to exctasy
I want the loving that I really need

Wooh, oh, hoh

Stop that crying in the rain now
No more crying in the rain
Who said that crying in the rain
Could ever wash away a lover's pain
Wooh, oh, hoh

Stop that crying in the rain now
No more crying in the rain
Who said that crying in the rain
Could ever wash away a lover's pain
Wooh, oh, hoh

Fake, no truth, no real
Trapped in your toss
Can't shake aching
Fictions all you feel
Make up to hide, make up of self
Wicked with step ahead of skills
Menial madness molds your making
Plot to place for prize
Weak known wonders for wealth
You dig the dirt well deep in darkness
Dare to deal on the down low
Tripping for treasures, plastic pleasures
Headline in some kid side show
A taste of a thrill got to have glitter
Serpents seem to savor show
Fool can't afford
To feign alone you're crying in the rain

Mirror lyrics:

To feign alone you're crying in the rain
Fool can't afford
Serpents seem to savor show
A taste of a thrill got to have glitter
Headline in some kid side show
Tripping for treasures, plastic pleasures
Dare to deal on the down low
You dig the dirt well deep in darkness
Weak known wonders for wealth
Plot to place for prize
Menial madness molds your making
Wicked with step ahead of skills
Make up to hide, make up of self
Fictions all you feel
Can't shake aching
Trapped in your toss
Fake, no truth, no real

Wooh, oh, hoh
Could ever wash away a lover's pain
Who said that crying in the rain
No more crying in the rain
Stop that crying in the rain now

Wooh, oh, hoh
Could ever wash away a lover's pain
Who said that crying in the rain
No more crying in the rain
Stop that crying in the rain now

Wooh, oh, hoh

I want the loving that I really need
That once you brought me to exctasy
Stop to think
I don't wanna spend my time with you
It's boring me
Stop that lying
Stop that crying

Couldn't care less if you're crying in the rain
Deceitful, full of that
Leave a soft one frying in the pain
Betrayer, disarrayer,
Can't rush my quiver fake a quake
Poser in pursuit of passion
Simple for a snake
Slowly, slither, sneaky
You slip from sliding
Weary from how you earn your things
Faint twinkle in your eyes
Can't loose no love from day I shared
Juvenile Jazz you hide
Desperate drown in dirty things
Treason took a try
Loops got ya lost I can't hear ya
Stop, you breathe you lie

Relevant Tags:
CCrying IIn TThe RRain rying n he ain rCying nI hTe aRin frying jn fhe dain fCrying jIn fThe dRain Cfrying Ijn Tfhe Rdain
xrying 9n 5he 4ain xCrying 9In 5The 4Rain Cxrying I9n T5he R4ain vrying ln hhe gain vCrying lIn hThe gRain Cvrying Iln Thhe Rgain
drying on yhe tain dCrying oIn yThe tRain Cdrying Ion Tyhe Rtain Crrying kn 6he 5ain Cying kIn 6The 5Rain Cyring Ikn T6he R5ain
Cdying 8n ghe fain 8In gThe fRain Crdying I8n Tghe Rfain C4ying un rhe eain C4rying uIn rThe eRain Cr4ying Iun Trhe Reain
Cgying Inn Raain Cgrying I Te Rin Crgying In Teh Rian Ctying Im Tje Rzin Ctrying Imn Tjhe Rzain Crtying Inm Thje Razin
C5ying Ih Tue Rqin C5rying Ihn Tuhe Rqain Cr5ying Inh Thue Raqin Cfying Ij Tne Rsin Tnhe Rsain Crfying Inj Thne Rasin
Ceying Ib Tbe Rwin Cerying Ibn Tbhe Rwain Creying Inb Thbe Rawin Cryying Tge Rxin Cring Rxain Criyng Thge Raxin
Crging Tye Raiin Ran Cryging Thye Rani Crhing Thee Rajn Crhying Th Rajin Cryhing The Raijn
Cr6ing Ths Ra9n Cr6ying Thse Ra9in Cry6ing Thes Rai9n Cruing Th3 Raln Cruying Th3e Ralin Cryuing The3 Railn
Cr7ing Thf Raon Cr7ying Thfe Raoin Cry7ing Thef Raion

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