Cult Of Luna
The Sacrifice

Your soul was covered in dirt.
The sacrifice was never made.
You were unleashed in those days.
Now valid to grasp the inner self.
Is your heart gonna cave in.
Throw your soul into the sea.

All lessons must be taught heart and minds are unified by now.
Sweep up all those mistakes.
Feed the wide open wound...

Mirror lyrics:

Feed the wide open wound...
Sweep up all those mistakes.
All lessons must be taught heart and minds are unified by now.

Throw your soul into the sea.
Is your heart gonna cave in.
Now valid to grasp the inner self.
You were unleashed in those days.
The sacrifice was never made.
Your soul was covered in dirt.

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSacrifice he acrifice hTe aScrifice fhe zacrifice fThe zSacrifice Tfhe Szacrifice 5he wacrifice 5The wSacrifice T5he Swacrifice
hhe dacrifice hThe dSacrifice Thhe Sdacrifice yhe eacrifice yThe eSacrifice Tyhe Seacrifice 6he xacrifice 6The xSacrifice T6he Sxacrifice
ghe aacrifice gThe aSacrifice Tghe Saacrifice rhe rThe Scrifice Trhe Scarifice Szcrifice Te Teh Sazcrifice
Tje Sqcrifice Tjhe Sqacrifice Thje Saqcrifice Tue Sscrifice Tuhe Ssacrifice Thue Sascrifice Tne Swcrifice Tnhe Thne Sawcrifice
Tbe Sxcrifice Tbhe Thbe Saxcrifice Tge Saccrifice Sarifice Thge Sarcifice Tye Safrifice Safcrifice Thye Sacfrifice
Thee Saxrifice Th The Sacxrifice Ths Savrifice Thse Savcrifice Thes Sacvrifice Th3 Sadrifice Th3e Sadcrifice The3 Sacdrifice
Thf Sacrrifice Thfe Sacifice Thef Sacirfice Thr Sacdifice Thre Ther Sacrdifice Th4 Sac4ifice Th4e Sac4rifice The4 Sacr4ifice
Thd Sacgifice Thde Sacgrifice Thed Sacrgifice Thw Sactifice Thwe Sactrifice Thew Sacrtifice Sac5ifice Sac5rifice Sacr5ifice
Sacfifice Sacrfifice Saceifice Sacerifice Sacreifice Sacriifice Sacrfice Sacrfiice Sacrjfice
Sacrjifice Sacrijfice Sacr9fice Sacr9ifice Sacri9fice Sacrlfice Sacrlifice

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