Some Red Handed Sleight Of Hand

And now we proudly present
Songs perverse and songs of lament
A couple hymns of confession
And song that recognize our sick obsessions
So sing along, I'm on the ugly organ again
Sing along, I'm on the ugly organ
So let's begin

woah oh

There's no use to keep a secret
Everything I hide ends up in lyrics
So read on, accuse me when you're done
If it sounds like I did you wrong

Our father who art in heaven
Save me from the wreck I'm about to drown in
Didn't I learn anything
Counting out my sins on rosary beads?
The reverend plays on the ugly organ
He spews out his sweet and salty sermon
On the audience

So why do I think I'm any different?
I've been making money off of my indifference
We all pass the hat around
This is my body, this is the blood I found
On my hands after I wrote this album
Play it off as stigmata for crossover fans...
some red handed sleight of hand
woah oh

Mirror lyrics:

woah oh
some red handed sleight of hand
Play it off as stigmata for crossover fans...
On my hands after I wrote this album
This is my body, this is the blood I found
We all pass the hat around
I've been making money off of my indifference
So why do I think I'm any different?

On the audience
He spews out his sweet and salty sermon
The reverend plays on the ugly organ
Counting out my sins on rosary beads?
Didn't I learn anything
Save me from the wreck I'm about to drown in
Our father who art in heaven

If it sounds like I did you wrong
So read on, accuse me when you're done
Everything I hide ends up in lyrics
There's no use to keep a secret

woah oh

So let's begin
Sing along, I'm on the ugly organ
So sing along, I'm on the ugly organ again
And song that recognize our sick obsessions
A couple hymns of confession
Songs perverse and songs of lament
And now we proudly present

Relevant Tags:
SSome RRed HHanded SSleight OOf HHand ome ed anded leight f and oSme eRd aHnded lSeight fO aHnd zome ded janded zleight kf jand zSome dRed jHanded zSleight kOf jHand
Szome Rded Hjanded Szleight Okf Hjand wome 4ed uanded wleight 9f uand wSome 4Red uHanded wSleight 9Of uHand Swome R4ed Huanded Swleight O9f Huand dome ged nanded dleight 0f nand
dSome gRed nHanded dSleight 0Of nHand Sdome Rged Hnanded Sdleight O0f Hnand eome ted banded eleight lf band eSome tRed bHanded eSleight lOf bHand Seome Rted Hbanded Seleight Olf Hband
xome 5ed ganded xleight if gand xSome 5Red gHanded xSleight iOf gHand Sxome R5ed Hganded Sxleight Oif Hgand aome fed yanded aleight Off yand aSome fRed yHanded aSleight O yHand
Saome Rfed Hyanded Saleight Of Hyand Soome eed Haanded Slleight Oc Haand Sme eRed Hnded Seight Ocf Hnd Smoe Reed Hnaded Selight Ofc Hnad Skme Hznded Skeight Or Hznd
Skome Rd Hzanded Skleight Orf Hzand Sokme Rde Haznded Slkeight Ofr Haznd S9me Rsd Hqnded Soeight Og Hqnd S9ome Rsed Hqanded Soleight Ogf Hqand So9me Resd Haqnded Sloeight Ofg Haqnd
S0me R3d Hsnded Speight Ot Hsnd S0ome R3ed Hsanded Spleight Otf Hsand So0me Re3d Hasnded Slpeight Oft Hasnd Slme Rfd Hwnded Sleeight Ov Hwnd Slome Hwanded Slight Ovf Hwand
Solme Refd Hawnded Slieght Ofv Hawnd Sime Rrd Hxnded Slsight Od Hxnd Siome Rred Hxanded Slseight Odf Hxand Soime Rerd Haxnded Slesight Ofd Haxnd Somme R4d Hannded Sl3ight Hannd
Soe Haded Sl3eight Had Soem Re4d Hadned Sle3ight Hadn Soje Rdd Hamded Slfight Hamd Sojme Hamnded Slfeight Hamnd Somje Redd Hanmded Slefight Hanmd
Soke Rwd Hahded Slright Hahd Rwed Hahnded Slreight Hahnd Somke Rewd Hanhded Sleright Hanhd Sone Hajded Sl4ight Hajd Sonme Re Hajnded Sl4eight Hajnd
Somne Red Hanjded Sle4ight Hanjd Somee Rex Habded Sldight Habd Som Rexd Habnded Sldeight Habnd Some Redx Hanbded Sledight Hanbd Soms Ree Handded Slwight Handd
Somse Haned Slweight Han Somes Rede Hanedd Slewight Hand Som3 Ref Hanxed Sleiight Hanx Som3e Hanxded Sleght Hanxd Some3 Redf Handxed Slegiht Handx
Somf Rer Haneed Slejght Hane Somfe Haneded Slejight Haned Somef Redr Handeed Sleijght Hande Somr Rec Hanfed Sle9ght Hanf Somre Recd Hanfded Sle9ight Hanfd
Somer Redc Handfed Slei9ght Handf Som4 Res Hanred Slelght Hanr Som4e Hanrded Slelight Hanrd Some4 Reds Handred Sleilght Handr Somd Hanced Sleoght Hanc

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