Cursive Memory, A
All The Weak

The road seems so far from here
And I know everything seems so clear

All the weak don't fall beneath the sky
All the weak don't leave this life behind

Sometimes the world stops meeting you
and sometimes your life starts deceiving you
When you see that no one is around,
Then there's a new direction that we have found

I feel everything you feel
It's real, all those things you feel

All the weak don't fall beneath the sky
All the weak don't leave this life behind

Sometimes the world stops meeting you
And sometimes your life starts deceiving you
When you see that no one is around
Then there's a new direction that we have found

You don't have to be somebody else to be happy

So I'll mess with your head and take my time back,
To whom it may concern, it lacks,
The fire that he had and I realize I can't do this
The sunset at the end of the road
And I felt his face stare through the window
And I'm thinking you should know
I can't do this on my own

Sometimes the world stops meeting you
And sometimes your life starts deceiving you
When you see that no one is around
Then there is a new direction that we have found

Mirror lyrics:

Then there is a new direction that we have found
When you see that no one is around
And sometimes your life starts deceiving you
Sometimes the world stops meeting you

I can't do this on my own
And I'm thinking you should know
And I felt his face stare through the window
The sunset at the end of the road
The fire that he had and I realize I can't do this
To whom it may concern, it lacks,
So I'll mess with your head and take my time back,

You don't have to be somebody else to be happy

Then there's a new direction that we have found
When you see that no one is around
And sometimes your life starts deceiving you
Sometimes the world stops meeting you

All the weak don't leave this life behind
All the weak don't fall beneath the sky

It's real, all those things you feel
I feel everything you feel

Then there's a new direction that we have found
When you see that no one is around,
and sometimes your life starts deceiving you
Sometimes the world stops meeting you

All the weak don't leave this life behind
All the weak don't fall beneath the sky

And I know everything seems so clear
The road seems so far from here

Relevant Tags:
AAll TThe WWeak ll he eak lAl hTe eWak zll fhe aeak zAll fThe aWeak Azll Tfhe Waeak qll 5he 3eak qAll 5The 3Weak Aqll T5he W3eak
sll hhe deak sAll hThe dWeak Asll Thhe Wdeak wll yhe eeak wAll yThe eWeak Awll Tyhe Weeak xll 6he seak xAll 6The sWeak Axll T6he Wseak
Alll ghe 2eak Al gThe 2Weak All Tghe W2eak Akl rhe qeak Akll rThe qWeak Alkl Trhe Wqeak Aol Aoll Te Wak Alol Teh Waek
Apl Tje Wsak Apll Tjhe Alpl Thje Wesak Tue W3ak Tuhe Thue We3ak Alk Tne Wfak Tnhe Wfeak Allk Thne Wefak
Alo Tbe Wrak Tbhe Wreak Allo Thbe Werak

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