Clinton Gregory
Who Needs It

Who needs it
When it?s love that almost always breaks your heart
It can take a man and tear him all apart
Only fools would ever let that feeling start

Who needs it
When it hardly ever leaves without some pain
It?s been known to drive a person half insane
Love is only one more way to hurt again

Who needs it
Love?s a promise I just can?t afford to keep
It?s only one more problem I don?t need
Just another hungry fire the heart must feed

Why is it
That there?s always one who loves a little less
Between us I believe we had the best
If you didn?t feel the same I?d never guessed

Who needs it
Like the shadows in the night time need the sun
After all the sad good byes are said and done
I never dreamed that I would the one

Who needs it
More than anything I?ve ever had before
Ever since you turned away and closed the door
I?ve only learned to love you more and more

Why is it
That everything I have I?ve had to lose
I guess it?s time to face the bitter truth
There?s no one else who needs it like I do
Like I do

Mirror lyrics:

Like I do
There?s no one else who needs it like I do
I guess it?s time to face the bitter truth
That everything I have I?ve had to lose
Why is it

I?ve only learned to love you more and more
Ever since you turned away and closed the door
More than anything I?ve ever had before
Who needs it

I never dreamed that I would the one
After all the sad good byes are said and done
Like the shadows in the night time need the sun
Who needs it

If you didn?t feel the same I?d never guessed
Between us I believe we had the best
That there?s always one who loves a little less
Why is it

Just another hungry fire the heart must feed
It?s only one more problem I don?t need
Love?s a promise I just can?t afford to keep
Who needs it

Love is only one more way to hurt again
It?s been known to drive a person half insane
When it hardly ever leaves without some pain
Who needs it

Only fools would ever let that feeling start
It can take a man and tear him all apart
When it?s love that almost always breaks your heart
Who needs it

Relevant Tags:
WWho NNeeds IIt ho eeds t hWo eNeds tI aho meeds jt aWho mNeeds jIt Waho Nmeeds Ijt 3ho heeds 9t 3Who hNeeds 9It W3ho Nheeds I9t
dho jeeds lt dWho jNeeds lIt Wdho Njeeds Ilt eho beeds ot eWho bNeeds oIt Weho Nbeeds Iot sho Neeeds kt sWho Neds kIt Wsho Needs Ikt
2ho Nseds 8t 2Who Nseeds 8It W2ho Neseds I8t qho N3eds ut qWho N3eeds uIt Wqho Ne3eds Iut Whho Nfeds Itt Wo Nfeeds I Woh Nefeds It
Wjo Nreds If Wjho Nreeds Ift Whjo Nereds Itf Wuo N4eds I5 Wuho N4eeds I5t Whuo Ne4eds It5 Wno Ndeds Ih Wnho Ndeeds Iht Whno Nededs Ith
Wbo Nweds Iy Wbho Nweeds Iyt Whbo Neweds Ity Wgo I6 Wgho I6t Whgo Nedes It6 Wyo Nesds Ig

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