Climie Fisher
When Love Turns To Blue

Train whistles blowing
Whispers your name
I lie awake crying
To the midnight rain
Inside I slowly die
I read a hundred times
The letter from you
Life has no reason
When love turns to blue

So cold is the night wind
So dark are the days
So lonesome the feeling
Since you've gone away

In every song I hear
The message is so clear
They wrote it just for you
Life has no reason
When love turns to blue

So, say, say that you'll come back to me
I'm begging you baby
I'm tortured here without you
So say, say you feel the same way I do
Life has no reason
When love turns to blue
Ooh, ooh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

In every song I hear
The message is so clear
That they wrote it just for you
Life has no reason
When love turns to blue

So, say, say that you'll come back to me
I'm begging you baby
I'm tortured here without you
so say, say you feel the same way I do
Life has no reason
When love turns to blue

Oh, life has no reason
When love turns to blue

Mirror lyrics:

When love turns to blue
Oh, life has no reason

When love turns to blue
Life has no reason
so say, say you feel the same way I do
I'm tortured here without you
I'm begging you baby
So, say, say that you'll come back to me

When love turns to blue
Life has no reason
That they wrote it just for you
The message is so clear
In every song I hear

Ooh, ooh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
When love turns to blue
Life has no reason
So say, say you feel the same way I do
I'm tortured here without you
I'm begging you baby
So, say, say that you'll come back to me

When love turns to blue
Life has no reason
They wrote it just for you
The message is so clear
In every song I hear

Since you've gone away
So lonesome the feeling
So dark are the days
So cold is the night wind

When love turns to blue
Life has no reason
The letter from you
I read a hundred times
Inside I slowly die
To the midnight rain
I lie awake crying
Whispers your name
Train whistles blowing

Relevant Tags:
WWhen LLove TTurns TTo BBlue hen ove urns o lue hWen oLve uTrns oT lBue ahen kove furns fo vlue aWhen kLove fTurns fTo vBlue Wahen Lkove Tfurns Tfo Bvlue
3hen oove 5urns 5o glue 3When oLove 5Turns 5To gBlue W3hen Loove T5urns T5o Bglue dhen pove hurns ho nlue dWhen pLove hTurns hTo nBlue Wdhen Lpove Thurns Tho Bnlue
ehen yurns yo hlue eWhen Lve yTurns yTo hBlue Wehen Lvoe Tyurns Tyo Bhlue shen Lkve 6urns 6o Bllue sWhen 6Turns 6To Bue Wshen Lokve T6urns T6o Bule
2hen L9ve gurns go Bkue 2When L9ove gTurns gTo Bklue W2hen Lo9ve Tgurns Tgo Blkue qhen L0ve rurns ro Boue qWhen L0ove rTurns rTo Bolue Wqhen Lo0ve Trurns Tro Bloue
Whhen Llve Tuurns Too Bpue Wen Llove Trns T Bplue Wehn Lolve Truns To Blpue Wjen Live Thrns Tk Bluue Wjhen Liove Tko Ble Whjen Loive Tuhrns Tok Bleu
Wuen Lovve T7rns T9 Blhe Wuhen Loe T7urns T9o Blhue Whuen Loev Tu7rns To9 Bluhe Wnen Lobe Tkrns T0 Bl7e Wnhen Lobve Tkurns T0o Bl7ue Whnen Lovbe Tukrns To0 Blu7e
Wben Loce Tirns Tl Blke Wbhen Locve Tiurns Tlo Whben Lovce Tuirns Tol Bluke Wgen Loge T8rns Ti Blie Wghen Logve T8urns Tio Bliue Whgen Lovge Tu8rns Toi Bluie
Wyen Lofe Tjrns Bl8e Wyhen Lofve Tjurns Bl8ue Whyen Lovfe Tujrns Blu8e Wheen Lovee Tyrns Blje Whn Lov Bljue Whne Love Tuyrns Bluje
Whsn Lovs Turrns Blye Whsen Lovse Tuns Blyue Whesn Loves Tunrs Bluye Wh3n Lov3 Tudns Bluee Wh3en Lov3e Tudrns Blu

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