Chaka Khan
Earth To Mickey

Come along let's park (let's park)
Can't you see what's going on
Come along gotta get with it
You're space bound and going strong

And he said
Come along lets rock
Shake your body don't stop
Cause i'm never out of fuel
You're good at talkin'
But at listenin' you ain't so cool
So you better get with it baby

Earth to Mickey
When are you gonna land?
Earth to Mickey
When are you gonna land?

(Why can't you just come on down,
Down to my level here)

Tonight i'm watchin' you
And you wouldn't understand
How could you ever get so spaced out
And never ever land
I just wanna tell you
You're outta your mind
It'll take a little time
But I bet I can talk you down
There are unnurtured treasure
Right here on solid ground
So you better get with it baby


(Hear me talkin' to ya mickey)

[Mickey's rap:]
Excuse me but it's hard to hear
Cause i'm way up in the stratosphere
I caught your drift
But i still don't see
I changed my long distance company recently
I'm not a guy that's kinda shy
I gotta get home before my goldfish die
My friends say i caught your eye
They say you like the way i tie my tie
I don't know why you wanna stare
Don't touch...i just combed my hair
Please talk me down
Where's the ground?

Hold on you better slow down
You might be 'fore your time
I think you got kicked out
From the white school of bump and grind
Mickey come along let's walk
Can we have a little talk?
You've been busted in mid-flight
Whenever you're puzzled you just
Put on your big red light

[Chaka's rap:]
You know i know what they mean now
When they say that you're all dressed up
And nowhere to go
Mickey really i been tryin to talk to you
All night i've been lookin at you
And lookin at you
And tryin to talk and talk
But you just don't listen
You're on some eternal flight
I just can't seem to make you make sense
Mickey, Mickey


[Ad lib to fade]

Mirror lyrics:

[Ad lib to fade]


Mickey, Mickey
I just can't seem to make you make sense
You're on some eternal flight
But you just don't listen
And tryin to talk and talk
And lookin at you
All night i've been lookin at you
Mickey really i been tryin to talk to you
And nowhere to go
When they say that you're all dressed up
You know i know what they mean now
[Chaka's rap:]

Put on your big red light
Whenever you're puzzled you just
You've been busted in mid-flight
Can we have a little talk?
Mickey come along let's walk
From the white school of bump and grind
I think you got kicked out
You might be 'fore your time
Hold on you better slow down

Where's the ground?
Please talk me down
Don't touch...i just combed my hair
I don't know why you wanna stare
They say you like the way i tie my tie
My friends say i caught your eye
I gotta get home before my goldfish die
I'm not a guy that's kinda shy
I changed my long distance company recently
But i still don't see
I caught your drift
Cause i'm way up in the stratosphere
Excuse me but it's hard to hear
[Mickey's rap:]

(Hear me talkin' to ya mickey)


So you better get with it baby
Right here on solid ground
There are unnurtured treasure
But I bet I can talk you down
It'll take a little time
You're outta your mind
I just wanna tell you
And never ever land
How could you ever get so spaced out
And you wouldn't understand
Tonight i'm watchin' you

Down to my level here)
(Why can't you just come on down,

When are you gonna land?
Earth to Mickey
When are you gonna land?
Earth to Mickey

So you better get with it baby
But at listenin' you ain't so cool
You're good at talkin'
Cause i'm never out of fuel
Shake your body don't stop
Come along lets rock
And he said

You're space bound and going strong
Come along gotta get with it
Can't you see what's going on
Come along let's park (let's park)

Relevant Tags:
EEarth TTo MMickey arth o ickey aErth oT iMckey sarth fo jickey sEarth fTo jMickey Esarth Tfo Mjickey 3arth 5o kickey
3Earth 5To kMickey E3arth T5o Mkickey farth ho nickey fEarth hTo nMickey Efarth Tho Mnickey rarth yo Miickey rEarth yTo Mckey
Erarth Tyo Mcikey 4arth 6o Mjckey 4Earth 6To E4arth T6o Mijckey darth go M9ckey dEarth gTo M9ickey Edarth Tgo Mi9ckey
warth ro Mlckey wEarth rTo Mlickey Ewarth Tro Milckey Eaarth Too Mockey Erth T Moickey Erath To Miockey Ezrth Tk Mkckey
Ezarth Tko Eazrth Tok Mikckey Eqrth T9 M8ckey Eqarth T9o M8ickey Eaqrth To9 Mi8ckey Esrth T0 Muckey T0o Muickey
Easrth To0 Miuckey Ewrth Tl Micckey Tlo Mikey Eawrth Tol Mikcey Exrth Ti Mifkey Exarth Tio Mifckey Eaxrth Toi Micfkey
Earrth Mixkey Eath Mixckey Eatrh Micxkey Eadth Mivkey Eadrth Mivckey Eardth Micvkey Ea4th Midkey
Ea4rth Midckey Ear4th Micdkey Eagth Mickkey Eagrth Micey Eargth Miceky Eatth Micley Eatrth Miclkey
Eartth Mickley Ea5th Micoey

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