Out In Sand

Incomplete... (a state I knew)

Dry as dust... (the thirst of few)

Once a chill but now it's fear

Fell the numb drawing near

Out of reach from human touch

What walks the earth now ain't much

Left alone to claim the guilt

Out in sand my life's been split

In my lungs grows the pain

Violet days won't come again

The waiting act's gone too far

The screen is blank where we are

Dry as dust... (the thirst of few)

The days so numb that I once knew

Mirror lyrics:

The days so numb that I once knew

Dry as dust... (the thirst of few)

The screen is blank where we are

The waiting act's gone too far

Violet days won't come again

In my lungs grows the pain

Out in sand my life's been split

Left alone to claim the guilt

What walks the earth now ain't much

Out of reach from human touch

Fell the numb drawing near

Once a chill but now it's fear

Dry as dust... (the thirst of few)

Incomplete... (a state I knew)

Relevant Tags:
OOut IIn SSand ut n and uOt nI aSnd kut jn zand kOut jIn zSand Okut Ijn Szand 9ut 9n wand 9Out 9In wSand O9ut I9n Swand 0ut ln dand
0Out lIn dSand O0ut Iln Sdand lut on eand lOut oIn eSand Olut Ion Seand iut kn xand iOut kIn xSand Oiut Ikn Sxand Ouut 8n aand Ot 8In aSand
Otu I8n Saand Oht un Ohut uIn Snd Ouht Iun Snad O7t Inn Sznd O7ut I Ou7t In Saznd Okt Im Sqnd Imn Sqand Oukt Inm Saqnd
Oit Ih Ssnd Ihn Ssand Ouit Inh Sasnd O8t Ij Swnd O8ut Ou8t Inj Sawnd

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