Center Stage
Don't Get Lost In The Crowd Ashley Ballard

You are the one that keeps your dream alive
And you are the one who feels the rhythm deep inside
Do you ever wonder if you can make you fly?
But you will never know, if you don't really try

There's so many fast frames
Quick cuts and a million stars
Can make you wonder
Can make you dream
ahead from the start
When you know your heart
and follow your own destiny

Don't get lost in the crowd
Be the one to be strong and turn heads around
Even from dark to light
You are the spark
You have the fire
You are the heart
Now be a believer
Don't get lost in the crowd

Look around you
You may not be
the latest fashion or in a magazine
Or under high profiles
But you will be
a sweet inspiration
If you got your own style

There's so many fast frames
Quick cuts and a million stars
Pulling you away from what you really love
If you sing your own song
Straight from your heart
You'll find yourself rising above

Don't get lost in the crowd
Be the one to be strong and turn heads around
Even from dark to light
You have the spark
You have the fire
You are the heart
Now be a believer
Don't get lost in the crowd
'Cause we live in a world of so many choices
It's hard to find our own voices
And keep going on from day to day
So get with the earth, and get with the sky
Get with the inside

Don't get lost in the crowd
Be the one to be strong and turn heads around
Even from dark to light
You have the spark and the fire
You are the heart
Now be a believer
Don't get lost in the crowd
Be the one to be strong and turn heads around
Even from dark to light
You have the spark and the fire
You are the heart
Now be a believer
Don't get lost in the crowd
Be the one to be strong and turn heads around
Even from dark to light
You have the spark and the fire
You are the heart
Now be a believer
Don't get lost in the crowd

Mirror lyrics:

Don't get lost in the crowd
Now be a believer
You are the heart
You have the spark and the fire
Even from dark to light
Be the one to be strong and turn heads around
Don't get lost in the crowd
Now be a believer
You are the heart
You have the spark and the fire
Even from dark to light
Be the one to be strong and turn heads around
Don't get lost in the crowd
Now be a believer
You are the heart
You have the spark and the fire
Even from dark to light
Be the one to be strong and turn heads around
Don't get lost in the crowd

Get with the inside
So get with the earth, and get with the sky
And keep going on from day to day
It's hard to find our own voices
'Cause we live in a world of so many choices
Don't get lost in the crowd
Now be a believer
You are the heart
You have the fire
You have the spark
Even from dark to light
Be the one to be strong and turn heads around
Don't get lost in the crowd

You'll find yourself rising above
Straight from your heart
If you sing your own song
Pulling you away from what you really love
Quick cuts and a million stars
There's so many fast frames

If you got your own style
a sweet inspiration
But you will be
Or under high profiles
the latest fashion or in a magazine
You may not be
Look around you

Don't get lost in the crowd
Now be a believer
You are the heart
You have the fire
You are the spark
Even from dark to light
Be the one to be strong and turn heads around
Don't get lost in the crowd

and follow your own destiny
When you know your heart
ahead from the start
Can make you dream
Can make you wonder
Quick cuts and a million stars
There's so many fast frames

But you will never know, if you don't really try
Do you ever wonder if you can make you fly?
And you are the one who feels the rhythm deep inside
You are the one that keeps your dream alive

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DDon't GGet LLost IIn TThe CCrowd AAshley BBallard on't et ost n he rowd shley allard oDn't eGt oLst nI hTe rCowd sAhley aBllard
xon't het kost jn fhe frowd zshley vallard xDon't hGet kLost jIn fThe fCrowd zAshley vBallard Dxon't Ghet Lkost Ijn Tfhe Cfrowd Azshley Bvallard
eon't yet oost 9n 5he xrowd qshley gallard eDon't yGet oLost 9In 5The xCrowd qAshley gBallard Deon't Gyet Loost I9n T5he Cxrowd Aqshley Bgallard
fon't bet post ln hhe vrowd sshley nallard fDon't bGet pLost lIn hThe vCrowd sAshley nBallard Dfon't Gbet Lpost Iln Thhe Cvrowd Asshley Bnallard
ron't vet on yhe drowd wshley hallard rDon't vGet Lst oIn yThe dCrowd wAshley hBallard Dron't Gvet Lsot Ion Tyhe Cdrowd Awshley Bhallard
con't fet Lkst kn 6he Crrowd xshley Baallard cDon't fGet kIn 6The Cowd xAshley Bllard Dcon't Gfet Lokst Ikn T6he Corwd Axshley Blalard
son't tet L9st 8n ghe Cdowd Bzllard sDon't tGet L9ost 8In gThe Ahley Bzallard Dson't Gtet Lo9st I8n Tghe Crdowd Ahsley Bazllard
Doon't Geet L0st un rhe C4owd Azhley Bqllard Dn't Gt L0ost uIn rThe C4rowd Bqallard Dno't Gte Lo0st Iun Trhe Cr4owd Aszhley Baqllard
Dkn't Gst Llst Inn Cgowd Awhley Bsllard Dkon't Gset Llost I Te Cgrowd Bsallard Dokn't Gest Lolst In Teh Crgowd Aswhley Basllard
D9n't G3t List Im Tje Ctowd Adhley Bwllard D9on't G3et Liost Imn Tjhe Ctrowd Adshley Bwallard Do9n't Ge3t Loist Inm Thje Crtowd Asdhley Bawllard
D0n't Gft Losst Ih Tue C5owd Aehley Bxllard D0on't Lot Ihn Tuhe C5rowd Aeshley Bxallard Do0n't Geft Lots Inh Thue Cr5owd Asehley Baxllard
Dln't Grt Lozt Ij Tne Cfowd Axhley Balllard Dlon't Gret Lozst Tnhe Balard Doln't Gert Loszt Inj Thne Crfowd Asxhley Ballard
Din't G4t Lowt Ib Tbe Ceowd Aahley Baklard Dion't G4et Lowst Ibn Tbhe Cerowd Aashley Bakllard Doin't Ge4t Loswt Inb Thbe Creowd Asahley Balklard
Donn't Gdt Lodt Tge Croowd Ashhley Baolard Do't Gdet Lodst Crwd Asley Baollard Do'nt Gedt Losdt Thge Crwod Aslhey Balolard
Dom't Gwt Loet Tye Crkwd Asjley Baplard Domn't Gwet Loest Crkowd Asjhley Bapllard Donm't Gewt Loset Thye Crokwd Ashjley Balplard
Doh't Gett Loxt Thee Cr9wd Asuley Dohn't Ge Loxst Th Cr9owd Asuhley Donh't Get Losxt The Cro9wd Ashuley Balalrd
Doj't Gef Loat Ths Cr0wd Asnley Balkard Dojn't Loast Thse Cr0owd Asnhley Donj't Getf Losat Thes Cro0wd Ashnley Ballkard
Dob't Ge5 Lostt Th3 Crlwd Asbley Baloard Dobn't Ge5t Los Th3e Crlowd Asbhley Donb't Get5 Lost The3 Crolwd Ashbley Balloard
Don''t Geh Losf Thf Criwd Asgley Balpard Dont Geht Losft Thfe Criowd Asghley Dont' Geth Lostf Thef Croiwd Ashgley Ballpard
Don'tt Gey Los5 Thr Crowwd Asyley Ballaard

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