On The Beach (capital Radio Session Version)

(Early version of "On The Beach" - bears very little resemblance to the one on "What Does Anything Mean? Basically"

Photos in my pocket
I keep them in my wallet
Oh, photos in my pocket
Of figures in the sky

(First verse repeated)

On the beach

Unsure of what I'm facing
The precious time I'm wasting
I'll always be embracing
Figures in the sky

Figures in the sky!

I'll always be embracing
Figures in the sky

(Repeat to fade)

Mirror lyrics:

(Repeat to fade)

Figures in the sky
I'll always be embracing

Figures in the sky!

Figures in the sky
I'll always be embracing
The precious time I'm wasting
Unsure of what I'm facing

On the beach

(First verse repeated)

Of figures in the sky
Oh, photos in my pocket
I keep them in my wallet
Photos in my pocket

(Early version of "On The Beach" - bears very little resemblance to the one on "What Does Anything Mean? Basically"

Relevant Tags:
OOn TThe BBeach ((capital RRadio SSession VVersion) n he each capital adio ession ersion) nO hTe eBach c(apital aRdio eSssion eVrsion)
kn fhe veach (ccapital dadio zession bersion) kOn fThe vBeach (apital dRadio zSession bVersion) Okn Tfhe Bveach (acpital Rdadio Szession Vbersion)
9n 5he geach (fapital 4adio wession cersion) 9On 5The gBeach (fcapital 4Radio wSession cVersion) O9n T5he Bgeach (cfapital R4adio Swession Vcersion)
0n hhe neach (xapital gadio dession gersion) 0On hThe nBeach (xcapital gRadio dSession gVersion) O0n Thhe Bneach (cxapital Rgadio Sdession Vgersion)
ln yhe heach (vapital tadio eession fersion) lOn yThe hBeach (vcapital tRadio eSession fVersion) Oln Tyhe Bheach (cvapital Rtadio Seession Vfersion)
in 6he Beeach (dapital 5adio xession Veersion) iOn 6The Bach (dcapital 5Radio xSession Vrsion) Oin T6he Baech (cdapital R5adio Sxession Vresion)
Onn ghe Bsach (caapital fadio aession Vsrsion) O gThe Bseach (cpital fRadio aSession Vsersion) On Tghe Besach (cpaital Rfadio Saession Vesrsion)
Om rhe B3ach (czpital eadio V3rsion) Omn rThe B3each (czapital eRadio Sssion V3ersion) Onm Trhe Be3ach (cazpital Readio Ssesion Ve3rsion)
Oh Bfach (cqpital Raadio Ssssion Vfrsion) Ohn Te Bfeach (cqapital Rdio Ssession Onh Teh Befach (caqpital Rdaio Sesssion Vefrsion)
Oj Tje Brach (cspital Rzdio S3ssion Vrrsion) Ojn Tjhe Breach (csapital Rzadio S3ession Vrersion) Onj Thje Berach (caspital Razdio Se3ssion Verrsion)
Ob Tue B4ach (cwpital Rqdio Sfssion V4rsion) Obn Tuhe B4each (cwapital Rqadio Sfession V4ersion) Onb Thue Be4ach (cawpital Raqdio Sefssion Ve4rsion)
Tne Bdach (cxpital Rsdio Srssion Vdrsion) Tnhe Bdeach Rsadio Sression Vdersion) Thne Bedach (caxpital Rasdio Serssion Vedrsion)
Tbe Bwach (cappital Rwdio S4ssion Vwrsion) Tbhe Bweach (caital Rwadio S4ession Vwersion) Thbe Bewach (caiptal Rawdio Se4ssion Vewrsion)
Tge Beaach (ca0ital Rxdio Sdssion Bech (ca0pital Rxadio Vesion) Thge Becah (cap0ital Raxdio Sedssion Vesrion)
Tye Bezch (calital Raddio Swssion Vedsion) Bezach (calpital Raio Thye Beazch (caplital Raido Sewssion Verdsion)
Thee Beqch (caoital Raxio Ve4sion) Th Beqach (caopital Sesion The Beaqch (capoital Radxio Session Ver4sion)
Ths Besch (capiital Raeio Sezsion Vegsion) Thse (captal Raedio Sezssion Vegrsion) Thes Beasch (captial Radeio Seszsion Vergsion)
Th3 Bewch (capjtal Rafio Sewsion Vetsion) Th3e (capjital Rafdio Vetrsion) The3 Beawch (capijtal Radfio Seswsion Vertsion)
Thf Bexch (cap9tal Rario Sedsion Ve5sion) Thfe Bexach (cap9ital Rardio Ve5rsion) Thef Beaxch (capi9tal Radrio Sesdsion Ver5sion)
Thr Beacch (capltal Racio Seesion Vefsion) Thre Beah Racdio Ther Beahc (capiltal Radcio Sesesion Verfsion)
Th4 Beafh (capotal Rasio Sexsion Veesion) Th4e Beafch Sexssion The4 Beacfh (capiotal Radsio Sesxsion Veresion)
Thd Beaxh (capktal Radiio Seasion Verssion) Thde (capkital Rado Seassion Verion) Thed Beacxh (capiktal Radoi Sesasion Verison)

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