Chalee Tennison
I Let Him Get Away With It

Every now and then I'd mention her to him
He'd get that look in his eyes
But it was only there a minute
So I let him get away with it

There was one day he called me by her name
It tore me all up inside
He never even knew he did it
So I let him get away with it

I let it go, I closed my eyes
I told myself just this one time
Yes, I refused to see the signs
Oh, but love is blind

I said "I love you," he
would say "me too"
But when I looked in his eyes
I wasn't really sure he meant it
So I let him get away with it

He took a part of me the day
I watched him leave
So I gave him all of my heart
Lord how I hate to admit it
I let him get away with it

I let it go, I closed my eyes
I told myself just this one time
Yes, I refused to see the signs
Oh, but love is blind

Every now and then I'd mention her to him
He'd get that look in his eyes
But it was only there a minute
So I let him get away with it
Oh, I let him get away with it
I let him get away with it

Mirror lyrics:

I let him get away with it
Oh, I let him get away with it
So I let him get away with it
But it was only there a minute
He'd get that look in his eyes
Every now and then I'd mention her to him

Oh, but love is blind
Yes, I refused to see the signs
I told myself just this one time
I let it go, I closed my eyes

I let him get away with it
Lord how I hate to admit it
So I gave him all of my heart
I watched him leave
He took a part of me the day

So I let him get away with it
I wasn't really sure he meant it
But when I looked in his eyes
would say "me too"
I said "I love you," he

Oh, but love is blind
Yes, I refused to see the signs
I told myself just this one time
I let it go, I closed my eyes

So I let him get away with it
He never even knew he did it
It tore me all up inside
There was one day he called me by her name

So I let him get away with it
But it was only there a minute
He'd get that look in his eyes
Every now and then I'd mention her to him

Relevant Tags:
II LLet HHim GGet AAway WWith IIt et im et way ith t I eLt iHm eGt wAay iWth tI j ket jim het zway aith jt jI kLet jHim hGet zAway aWith jIt
Ij Lket Hjim Ghet Azway Waith Ijt 9 oet uim yet qway 3ith 9t 9I oLet uHim yGet qAway 3With 9It I9 Loet Huim Gyet Aqway W3ith I9t l pet nim bet sway dith lt
lI pLet nHim bGet sAway dWith lIt Il Lpet Hnim Gbet Asway Wdith Ilt o Leet bim vet wway eith ot oI Lt bHim vGet wAway eWith oIt Io Lte Hbim Gvet Awway Weith Iot
k Lst gim fet xway sith kt kI Lset gHim fGet xAway sWith kIt Ik Lest Hgim Gfet Axway Wsith Ikt 8 L3t yim tet 2ith 8t 8I L3et yHim tGet Aay 2With 8It
I8 Le3t Hyim Gtet Aawy W2ith I8t u Lft Hiim Geet Aaay qith ut uI Lfet Hm Gt Aaway qWith uIt Iu Left Hmi Gte Awaay Wqith Iut Lrt Hjm Gst A3ay Wiith Itt
Lret Gset A3way Wth I Lert Hijm Gest Aw3ay Wtih It L4t H9m G3t Aday Wjth If L4et H9im G3et Adway Wjith Ift Le4t Hi9m Ge3t Awday Wijth Itf
Ldt Hlm Gft Aeay W9th I5 Ldet Hlim Aeway W9ith I5t Ledt Hilm Geft Aweay Wi9th It5 Lwt Hom Grt Asay Wlth Ih Lwet Hoim Gret Wlith Iht
Lewt Hiom Gert Awsay Wilth Ith Lett Hkm G4t A2ay Woth Iy Le Hkim G4et A2way Woith Iyt Let Hikm Ge4t Aw2ay Wioth Ity Lef H8m Gdt Aqay Wkth I6
H8im Gdet Wkith I6t Letf Hi8m Gedt Awqay Wikth It6 Le5 Hum Gwt W8th Ig Le5t Gwet Awy W8ith Igt Let5 Hium Gewt Awya Wi8th Itg

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