Celine Dion
Beauty And The Beast (duet With Peabo Bryson)

Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Than somebody bends

Just a little change
Small, to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will arise

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast.

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast x2

Mirror lyrics:

Beauty and the beast x2
Song as old as rhyme
Tale as old as time

Beauty and the beast.
Song as old as rhyme
Tale as old as time
Rising in the east
Certain as the sun

Learning you were wrong
Finding you can change
Bittersweet and strange
Tune as old as song
Tale as old as time

As the sun will arise
Ever just as sure
Ever as before
Ever a surprise
Ever just the same

Beauty and the Beast
Neither one prepared
Both a little scared
Small, to say the least
Just a little change

Than somebody bends
Barely even friends
True as it can be
Tale as old as time

Relevant Tags:
BBeauty AAnd TThe BBeast ((duet WWith PPeabo BBryson) eauty nd he east duet ith eabo ryson) eBauty nAd hTe eBast d(uet iWth ePabo rByson)
veauty znd fhe veast (dduet aith 0eabo vryson) vBeauty zAnd fThe vBeast (uet aWith 0Peabo vBryson) Bveauty Aznd Tfhe Bveast (udet Waith P0eabo Bvryson)
geauty qnd 5he geast (xuet 3ith leabo gryson) gBeauty qAnd 5The gBeast (xduet 3With lPeabo gBryson) Bgeauty Aqnd T5he Bgeast (dxuet W3ith Pleabo Bgryson)
neauty snd hhe neast (euet dith oeabo nryson) nBeauty sAnd hThe nBeast (eduet dWith oPeabo nBryson) Bneauty Asnd Thhe Bneast (deuet Wdith Poeabo Bnryson)
heauty wnd yhe heast (fuet eith Peeabo hryson) hBeauty wAnd yThe hBeast (fduet eWith Pabo hBryson) Bheauty Awnd Tyhe Bheast (dfuet Weith Paebo Bhryson)
Beeauty xnd 6he Beeast (ruet sith Psabo Brryson) Bauty xAnd 6The Bast (rduet sWith Pseabo Byson) Baeuty Axnd T6he Baest (druet Wsith Pesabo Byrson)
Bsauty Annd ghe Bsast (cuet 2ith P3abo Bdyson) Bseauty Ad gThe Bseast (cduet 2With P3eabo Bdryson) Besauty Adn Tghe Besast (dcuet W2ith Pe3abo Brdyson)
B3auty Amd rhe B3ast (suet qith Pfabo B4yson) B3eauty Amnd rThe B3east (sduet qWith Pfeabo B4ryson) Be3auty Anmd Trhe Be3ast (dsuet Wqith Pefabo Br4yson)
Bfauty Ahd Bfast (duuet Wiith Prabo Bgyson) Bfeauty Ahnd Te Bfeast (det Wth Preabo Befauty Anhd Teh Befast (deut Wtih Perabo Brgyson)
Brauty Ajd Tje Brast (dhet Wjth P4abo Btyson) Breauty Ajnd Tjhe Breast (dhuet Wjith P4eabo Btryson) Berauty Anjd Thje Berast (duhet Wijth Pe4abo Brtyson)
B4auty Abd Tue B4ast (d7et W9th Pdabo B5yson) B4eauty Abnd Tuhe B4east (d7uet W9ith Pdeabo B5ryson) Be4auty Anbd Thue Be4ast (du7et Wi9th Pedabo Br5yson)
Bdauty Andd Tne Bdast (dket Wlth Pwabo Bfyson) Bdeauty An Tnhe Bdeast (dkuet Wlith Pweabo Bfryson) Bedauty And Thne Bedast (duket Wilth Pewabo Brfyson)
Bwauty Anx Tbe Bwast (diet Woth Peaabo Beyson) Bweauty Anxd Tbhe Bweast (diuet Woith Pebo Beryson) Bewauty Andx Thbe Bewast (duiet Wioth Pebao Breyson)
Beaauty Ane Tge Beaast (d8et Wkth Pezbo Bryyson) Beuty Aned Best (d8uet Wkith Pezabo Brson) Beuaty Ande Thge Besat (du8et Wikth Peazbo Brsyon)
Bezuty Anf Tye Bezst (djet W8th Peqbo Brgson) Bezauty Anfd Bezast (djuet W8ith Peqabo Beazuty Andf Thye Beazst (dujet Wi8th Peaqbo Brygson)
Bequty Anr Thee Beqst (dyet Wuth Pesbo Brhson) Beqauty Anrd Th Beqast (dyuet Wuith Brhyson) Beaquty Andr The Beaqst (duyet Wiuth Peasbo Bryhson)
Besuty Anc Ths Besst (dueet Witth Pewbo Br6son) Ancd Thse (dut Wih Br6yson) Beasuty Andc Thes Beasst (dute Wiht Peawbo Bry6son)
Bewuty Ans Th3 Bewst (dust Wifh Pexbo Bruson) Ansd Th3e (duset Wifth Pexabo Bruyson) Beawuty Ands The3 Beawst (duest Witfh Peaxbo Bryuson)
Bexuty Thf Bexst (du3t Wi5h Peabbo Br7son) Bexauty Thfe Bexast (du3et Wi5th Peao Br7yson) Beaxuty Thef Beaxst (due3t Wit5h Peaob Bry7son)
Beauuty Thr (duft Wihh Peavo Brjson) Beaty Thre Beat (dufet Wihth Peavbo Brjyson) Beatuy Ther Beats (dueft Withh Peabvo Bryjson)

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