Celine Dion
Baby, Close Your Eyes

Sun is creeping down
Behind the hill
Everything is calm
Everything is still

So baby close your eyes
And rest your weary mind
Let me hold you close I'll sing you this lullaby

Let your worries go
You fall asleep
Think of nothing more
Memories will keep

Your dreams will turn to gold
And you will waken fine
Then you'll hold a smile all day from this lullaby

Maybe somewhere in the silence
You will wake and you're alone
Just call out and I'll be there

Even when I'm gone
Each day will end
So I'll say 'goodnight'
'Til we meet again

Now baby close your eyes
And rest your weary mind
I'll let you know the joy you bring
You this lullaby

Mirror lyrics:

You this lullaby
I'll let you know the joy you bring
And rest your weary mind
Now baby close your eyes

'Til we meet again
So I'll say 'goodnight'
Each day will end
Even when I'm gone

Just call out and I'll be there
You will wake and you're alone
Maybe somewhere in the silence

Then you'll hold a smile all day from this lullaby
And you will waken fine
Your dreams will turn to gold

Memories will keep
Think of nothing more
You fall asleep
Let your worries go

Let me hold you close I'll sing you this lullaby
And rest your weary mind
So baby close your eyes

Everything is still
Everything is calm
Behind the hill
Sun is creeping down

Relevant Tags:
BBaby, CClose YYour EEyes aby, lose our yes aBby, lCose oYur yEes vaby, flose gour syes vBaby, fClose gYour sEyes Bvaby, Cflose Ygour Esyes
gaby, xlose hour 3yes gBaby, xClose hYour 3Eyes Bgaby, Cxlose Yhour E3yes naby, vlose 6our fyes nBaby, vClose 6Your fEyes Bnaby, Cvlose Y6our Efyes
haby, dlose uour ryes hBaby, dClose uYour rEyes Bhaby, Cdlose Yuour Eryes Baaby, Cllose 7our 4yes Bby, Cose 7Your 4Eyes Bbay, Colse Y7our E4yes
Bzby, Ckose jour dyes Bzaby, Cklose jYour dEyes Bazby, Clkose Yjour Edyes Bqby, Coose tour wyes Bqaby, Colose tYour wEyes Baqby, Cloose Ytour Ewyes
Bsby, Cpose Yoour Eyyes Bsaby, Cplose Yur Ees Basby, Clpose Yuor Eeys Bwby, Ykur Eges Bwaby, Clse Ykour Egyes Bawby, Clsoe Yokur Eyges
Bxby, Clkse Y9ur Ehes Bxaby, Y9our Ehyes Baxby, Clokse Yo9ur Eyhes Babby, Cl9se Y0ur E6es Bay, Cl9ose Y0our E6yes Bayb, Clo9se Yo0ur Ey6es
Bavy, Cl0se Ylur Eues Bavby, Cl0ose Ylour Euyes Babvy, Clo0se Yolur Eyues Bagy, Cllse Yiur E7es Bagby, Yiour E7yes Babgy, Clolse Yoiur Ey7es
Bany, Clise Youur Ejes Banby, Cliose Yor Ejyes Babny, Cloise Yoru Eyjes

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