Celine Dion
Another Year Has Gone By

So many 25th's of December
Just as many 4th of July's
And we're still holding it together
It only comes down to U and I
I know that you can still remember
Things we said right from the start
When we said that this could be special
I'm keeping those words deep down in my heart


Another year has gone by
And I'm still the one by your side
After everything that's gone by
There's still no one saying goodbye
Though another year has gone bye

I've never been much for occasions
But you never let a Birthday go by
mmmm without announcing how much you love me
But the truth was always there right there in your eyes
And we're still holding hands when we're walking
actin' like we've only just met
But, how could that be when there's so much history
I guess that's how true lovers can get


Another year has gone by
And I'm still the one by your side
After everything that's gone by
There's still no one saying goodbye
Though another year has gone bye


Another year has gone by
And I'm still the one by your side
After everything that's gone by
There's still no one saying goodbye
Though another year has gone bye

Mirror lyrics:

Though another year has gone bye
There's still no one saying goodbye
After everything that's gone by
And I'm still the one by your side
Another year has gone by


Though another year has gone bye
There's still no one saying goodbye
After everything that's gone by
And I'm still the one by your side
Another year has gone by


I guess that's how true lovers can get
But, how could that be when there's so much history
actin' like we've only just met
And we're still holding hands when we're walking
But the truth was always there right there in your eyes
mmmm without announcing how much you love me
But you never let a Birthday go by
I've never been much for occasions

Though another year has gone bye
There's still no one saying goodbye
After everything that's gone by
And I'm still the one by your side
Another year has gone by


I'm keeping those words deep down in my heart
When we said that this could be special
Things we said right from the start
I know that you can still remember
It only comes down to U and I
And we're still holding it together
Just as many 4th of July's
So many 25th's of December

Relevant Tags:
AAnother YYear HHas GGone BBy nother ear as one y nAother eYar aHs oGne yB znother gear jas hone vy zAnother gYear jHas hGone vBy Aznother Ygear Hjas Ghone Bvy
qnother hear uas yone gy qAnother hYear uHas yGone gBy Aqnother Yhear Huas Gyone Bgy snother 6ear nas bone ny sAnother 6Year nHas bGone nBy Asnother Y6ear Hnas Gbone Bny
wnother uear bas vone hy wAnother uYear bHas vGone hBy Awnother Yuear Hbas Gvone Bhy xnother 7ear gas fone Byy xAnother 7Year gHas fGone B Axnother Y7ear Hgas Gfone By
Annother jear yas tone Bg Aother jYear yHas tGone Aonther Yjear Hyas Gtone Byg Amother tear Haas Goone Bh Amnother tYear Hs Gne Anmother Ytear Hsa Gnoe Byh
Ahother Yeear Hzs Gkne B6 Ahnother Yar Hzas Gkone B6y Anhother Yaer Hazs Gokne By6 Ajother Ysar Hqs G9ne Bu Ajnother Ysear Hqas G9one Buy Anjother Yesar Haqs Go9ne Byu
Abother Y3ar Hss G0ne B7 Abnother Y3ear Hsas G0one B7y Anbother Ye3ar Hass Go0ne By7 Anoother Yfar Hws Glne Bj Anther Yfear Hwas Glone Bjy Antoher Yefar Haws Golne Byj
Ankther Yrar Hxs Gine Bt Ankother Yrear Hxas Gione Bty Anokther Yerar Haxs Goine Byt An9ther Y4ar Gonne An9other Y4ear Ha Goe Ano9ther Ye4ar Has Goen
An0ther Ydar Haz Gome An0other Ydear Gomne Ano0ther Yedar Hasz Gonme Anlther Ywar Haw Gohe Anlother Ywear Gohne Anolther Yewar Hasw Gonhe
Anither Yeaar Had Goje Aniother Yer Hads Gojne Anoither Yera Hasd Gonje Anotther Yezr Hae Gobe Anoher Yezar Haes Gobne Anohter Yeazr Hase Gonbe
Anofher Yeqr Hax Gonee Anofther Yeqar Gon Anotfher Yeaqr Hasx Gone Ano5her Yesr Haa Gons Ano5ther Gonse Anot5her Yeasr Hasa Gones
Anohher Yewr Gon3 Anohther Gon3e Anothher Yeawr Gone3 Anoyher Yexr Gonf Anoyther Yexar Gonfe Anotyher Yeaxr Gonef
Ano6her Yearr Gonr Ano6ther Yea Gonre

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