Charlotte Church
If Thou Art Near

If Thou art near when life is closing
All joyful shall I fall asleep,
Be Thou with me as I awaken,
And claim my soul when I arise
If Thou art near when life is closing,
All joyful shall I fall asleep,
Ah, how serene, were thus my passing,
Thy tender hand upraised in blessing
Would sanctify my slumber deep
Be Thou with me, as I awaken
And claim my soul when I arise.

Mirror lyrics:

And claim my soul when I arise.
Be Thou with me, as I awaken
Would sanctify my slumber deep
Thy tender hand upraised in blessing
Ah, how serene, were thus my passing,
All joyful shall I fall asleep,
If Thou art near when life is closing,
And claim my soul when I arise
Be Thou with me as I awaken,
All joyful shall I fall asleep,
If Thou art near when life is closing

Relevant Tags:
IIf TThou AArt NNear f hou rt ear fI hTou rAt eNar jf fhou zrt mear jIf fThou zArt mNear Ijf Tfhou Azrt Nmear 9f 5hou qrt hear
9If 5Thou qArt hNear I9f T5hou Aqrt Nhear lf hhou srt jear lIf hThou sArt jNear Ilf Thhou Asrt Njear of yhou wrt bear oIf yThou wArt bNear
Iof Tyhou Awrt Nbear kf 6hou xrt Neear kIf 6Thou xArt Nar Ikf T6hou Axrt Naer 8f ghou Arrt Nsar 8If gThou At Nsear I8f Tghou Atr Nesar
uf rhou Adt N3ar uIf rThou Adrt N3ear Iuf Trhou Ardt Ne3ar Iff A4t Nfar I Tou A4rt Nfear If Tohu Ar4t Nefar Ic Tjou Agt Nrar
Icf Tjhou Agrt Nrear Ifc Thjou Argt Nerar Ir Tuou Att N4ar Irf Tuhou Atrt N4ear Ifr Thuou Artt Ne4ar Ig Tnou A5t Ndar Igf Tnhou A5rt Ndear
Ifg Thnou Ar5t Nedar It Tbou Aft Nwar Itf Tbhou Afrt Nwear Ift Thbou Arft Newar Iv Tgou Aet Neaar Ivf Aert Ner

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