Charlie Walker
Close All The Honky Tonks

(Red Simpson)

She's in some honky tonk tonight I know
Dancin' where the music's loud and lights're low
In a crowded bar she likes to hang around
And as long as there's a honky tonk she'll never settle down.

Close all the honky tonks, lock all the doors
Don't let the one I love go there anymore
Close all the honky tonks throw away the key
Then maybe the one I love will come back to me.

--- Instrumental ---

I wish I had the power to turn back the time
And live again the hours when she was all mine
It hurts to see her running with that crowd downtown
And as long as there's a honky tonk she'll never settle down.

Close all the honky tonks, lock all the doors
Don't let the one I love go there anymore
Close all the honky tonks throw away the key
Then maybe the one I love will come back to me.

Then maybe the one I love will come back to me...

Mirror lyrics:

Then maybe the one I love will come back to me...

Then maybe the one I love will come back to me.
Close all the honky tonks throw away the key
Don't let the one I love go there anymore
Close all the honky tonks, lock all the doors

And as long as there's a honky tonk she'll never settle down.
It hurts to see her running with that crowd downtown
And live again the hours when she was all mine
I wish I had the power to turn back the time

--- Instrumental ---

Then maybe the one I love will come back to me.
Close all the honky tonks throw away the key
Don't let the one I love go there anymore
Close all the honky tonks, lock all the doors

And as long as there's a honky tonk she'll never settle down.
In a crowded bar she likes to hang around
Dancin' where the music's loud and lights're low
She's in some honky tonk tonight I know

(Red Simpson)

Relevant Tags:
CClose AAll TThe HHonky TTonks lose ll he onky onks lCose lAl hTe oHnky oTnks flose zll fhe jonky fonks fClose zAll fThe jHonky fTonks
Cflose Azll Tfhe Hjonky Tfonks xlose qll 5he uonky 5onks xClose qAll 5The uHonky 5Tonks Cxlose Aqll T5he Huonky T5onks vlose sll hhe nonky honks
vClose sAll hThe nHonky hTonks Cvlose Asll Thhe Hnonky Thonks dlose wll yhe bonky yonks dClose wAll yThe bHonky yTonks Cdlose Awll Tyhe Hbonky Tyonks
Cllose xll 6he gonky 6onks Cose xAll 6The gHonky 6Tonks Colse Axll T6he Hgonky T6onks Ckose Alll ghe yonky gonks Cklose Al gThe yHonky gTonks
Clkose All Tghe Hyonky Tgonks Coose Akl rhe Hoonky ronks Colose Akll rThe Hnky rTonks Cloose Alkl Trhe Hnoky Tronks Cpose Aol Hknky Toonks
Cplose Aoll Te Hkonky Tnks Clpose Alol Teh Hoknky Tnoks Apl Tje H9nky Tknks Clse Apll Tjhe H9onky Tkonks Clsoe Alpl Thje Ho9nky Toknks
Clkse Tue H0nky T9nks Tuhe H0onky T9onks Clokse Thue Ho0nky To9nks Cl9se Alk Tne Hlnky T0nks Cl9ose Tnhe Hlonky T0onks
Clo9se Allk Thne Holnky To0nks Cl0se Alo Tbe Hinky Tlnks Cl0ose Tbhe Hionky Tlonks Clo0se Allo Thbe Hoinky Tolnks Cllse Alp Tge Honnky Tinks
Hoky Tionks Clolse Allp Thge Hokny Toinks Clise Tye Homky Tonnks Cliose Homnky Toks Cloise Thye Honmky Tokns
Closse Thee Hohky Tomks Cloe Th Hohnky Tomnks

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